remove vocals from music


And bad news coming;No matter what people says ITS NOT POSSIBLE 100% or even near that,unless you got original multitrack recording which i doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think there is a plugin for Wavelab that can remove vocals(no 100%).But not for Cool Edit.I'm looking for it and reply if I got it.
There is no way of loosing vocals from a track. There are some plugins which claim to do this but the result is some what rubbish.
The only way to remove vocals from a track is if u have the original files in layers. As you all know a track is put together in layers, much like a image is put together in photoshop.
And the only way you are gonner get that file is by contacting the Record company or the producer. And record companys dont give stuff out to anyone.

The only people who have that sort of power are ussually Other record labels, tv channels, and djs.
its impossible mate, i wanted to do that 1 time also so i wrote a email to the magazine "Computer Music", w*

And one of they engineers replied back saying that it isnt possble without the original file. The reason being that in a mp3 or wav file there are only 2 channels, left and right and no audio editer and make out what fequencys the vocals are on, because they are mixed with the music.
You can try playing around with the equalisers and some plugins but the result will sound rather amateur.
