Remote Desktop in XP Home?

Is it possiable to make XP Home the host? I know it was only made for XP Pro, but is a possiable? can't i like take some files needed from Pro and put it in Home?
Thx in advance for any help given :)
Never tried it but....

Pick up thread in the News section about xp pro. Within that thread is a link to a website with a tutorial on how to create corp. version. Give it a try, whats to loose but cd and time. I do not have home version to test but will be waiting to hear your results.
well, all that does is add files to it so that u dont have to activate it.. it doesn't add nothing thats not going to work..but thx for the reply tho..


daphuon2 said:
well, all that does is add files to it so that u dont have to activate it.. it doesn't add nothing thats not going to work..but thx for the reply tho..
Yes, this is correct. The Corporate Corpfiles/Devilsown conversion does NOT give you the advanced features of XP Professional. It ONLY turns off the Windows Activation...nothing more.

Sadly, this conversion does not work well with the XP Home version anyway.

Oh, BTW, the tutorial is also posted there is no reason to go anywhere else ;)
Old and blind

Looked for tutorial and sadly I cannot find it. Always looking to learn if you could give me a hint. Thanks----Howdy


Look here: Free CDR Recording Software Forum > Main > News & Information > Windows XP Activation

Its the 5th sticky thread (6th in line from top).

Look on page 2 for my turorial...but read the entire thread as it answers lots of questions. :cool:


No problem bud. :)

Here is a good link to the files...if you can't find them.

If you get stuck you know where to find me! ;)
I already have the link

As I orig posted it....LOL Now some one else besides myself may be in for the eye exam? I have another that may be of interest

h**p:// :) :p


Yes...I need glasses :rolleyes:

Indeed you did! Thanks for the link. It will help quite a few people.

If you look at the bottom of page 2 of my will see you are credited. ;)
no credit needed

I could never write such a tutorial but can find most things on the web when the need arises. My interest comes from the fact that the xp "test software" I somehow aquired is not bootable and wanted to "Make it so". It has been a good learning experience in many aspects and is how I found this forum with it's wealth of knowledge and kind-civil people willing to share good information.


Kind words bud...thanks!

Funny thing is I came here originally for the (as you say) "good learning experience." And now I am a Moderator here. :rolleyes:

Its a great place to visit and stay awhile. :cool: