refugee thread from dead forum


New member
figured I'd start the thread for the refugee's from the dead forum. :rolleyes: See if anyones here that I know.
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@nightheart to enlighten us more here bud !? before someone gets the wrong ideas about this thread and kicks it !?

tell us what your aim is here !?


New member
VIPER_1069 said:
@nightheart to enlighten us more here bud !? before someone gets the wrong ideas about this thread and kicks it !?

tell us what your aim is here !?
Figured I'd see who are was here from CDRG, since it seems to be dead. Laz (Lazza) has been sending everyone here. I think i'll hold off on the AIM thing.
@nightheart np just checking whats what :)

lol @laz sending everyone here :)

worth the trip tho nightheart bud :)

tell your friends about us :)

50,000 members plus and still growing :)

enjoy your stay :)


New member
Just joined saw the post by Laz, wonder if he's gonna give himself a ban now on the CDRG for breaking the forum rules? :p
You guys are welcome here!Don't know what Laz is doing,but I'm sure he has good reasons for it. :D

Welcome,and enjoy! :)


New member
Hey peeps. I finally made it over here. Looks like I'm out of a job. :D
Oh well. Thanks to Lazza (Laz) for letting us hang out here since it seems we CDROM-GUIDE folks are now without a home.


Welcome you all! :)

Hope you enjoy it here as sadly there seems little chance of CDRG kicking back into life again, a big shame that for many of us I know. :(

And yes a little spam on my part I know over at bst, but all for your benefit in being able to come to a forum and ask/answer all your tech questions. Enjoy yourselves! :D


New member
Is it just me or is there a little lag in the forums here? Great site BTW Lazza (er Laz, man this is going to take some getting used to).