Reducing the frames in GOPs of MPEG-2 files!!

Hello to all Friends,
Does anybody know, where could I find a Tool to reduce the number frames in GOPs???

I am looking for a Tool or Program, which could help me to solve the following problem:
The most of MPEG-2 files I record from Satellite with my DVB-S Card have too much frames (more than 30) in GOPs so that I can not import them in the DVD-Authoringprograms.

TMPEG as the only tool I know, doesn’t accept every type of video files ( *.m2v *.mpv and so an).

It could be a great help for me?



When I capture video using ATI ALL IN WONDER RADEON, I can not feed the resulting MPEG-2 to TMPEGEnc.

My only workaround is usind DVD2AVI, producing a *.d2v file plus an Audio File and then feed both to TMPEGEnc.

No noticeable quality loss is produced....

I write the idea just to see if it helps you.

By the way, how do you find out the number of frames in a GOP??

Best Regards,


With the attempt to import the files, one gets the message that the number oft frames in GOPs are too large.
According to the rules of the DVD-Authoring consortium you may amount to max. 30.
Ahh.. Ok..

I have never ever received the message, that is why I was asking..

Did you give some thinking about the workaround I suggested you? Can it help you?

Godd luck



Attilio ---- I think this is a good sugguestion and it will work ...

@ Shahd ... u should use an other prog to capture from DVB card if u can´t setup it correctly ... btw. I can´t understand why the software captures with more than 25/29 frames ?!

sorry for delay but I was vers busy.
I tried it with DVD2AVI but it didn´t work and I don´t know why. Maybe because of the filetypes (Mpeg2 with ac3 included as audiofile). I think it is a bug in the capture-driver (TechnoTrend) of my DVBs Card because it is not always the case. Sometimes is the number of fiels in GOPs under 30 an the progs accept such files.

Using other pros= waist the time. All the pros use always the same capturedriver for Recording and it dosn´t depend on your prog. I think its really a bug in the capturedriver because it dosn´t happen everytime I record.

Anyway many thanks for ideas.

That is what remains me to say about DVD2AVI ==>> TMPEGEnc failure.. I have used it in DVD to VCD process with AC· audio, and others.... with no problems...

Sorry for not helping you a little bit more... I think that the only thing I can do now is joining you in the conclusion about the "bug"...

Mr. president,

thanks for your opinon.. I has been a long time since we last meet.. I have been out some time

Best regards and God Luck
