Recovering DVD's


New member
O K, so you have burned a lot of DVD's like me and now you later find that some have errors. They play for a while then hang up, or skip? You have tried a lot of software with limited success to recover the video so you can reburn? Well relax, I have found the answer, or at least it works for me. A program called, ( BadCopy Pro v3.75 ). It recovers your unreadable video to the hard drive so you can reburn. If it comes to a severe area it replaces with 1' & 0' which lets a playback continue in a stand alone. Otherwise your right back to a freeze up. In these rare cases I have only noticed a fractional gap in audio. To avoid a memory bog down recover a dvd's files one vob at a time. When you have recovered all the files to your recovered folder simply reburn. Use quality blanks and sloooooooow down the burner.
tnx I have had this problem with DVD decrypter and mistreated pressed DVDs and never got to solve when the ripping frezzed at a very bad scratch, maybe this proggie will work out in these cases too, I'll try it (this was one of those problems to be resolved some day...
