RecordNow Sux max

After all praises here and there a couple of months ago I decided to give a try to this proggy. RNM v.4.60.1

Sure I got no coasters, but when overburning CD's (only with this prog so it's not a problem with the burner) the burning would't stop and at about 98% of the process the burner will keep running for ever. I read RNM manual, help files, check prog options, but couldn't find the fix for this problem. Only way to stop was a brutal shutdown of the system -pressing the power button- and last time that damaged my Win2K user profile, which gonna cost me ages to properly restore.

By the way, the CD's came out fine !!

But there were also some other minor annoyances, like it wouldn't give me all the burning speeds supported by my burner, even when it was on the supported list, and some other smaller issues.

So beware cause might be my fault or something with my system (why so many trusted members here praise RNM ? ) but no other program has done that to me since Win98 and I play with lots of software
Rnm is probably the best burning proggy.............maybe not best.....Just need bin&cue and vcd2.0 and svcd to be that......But it is the easiest and most reliable proggy....1000000% :)
There are very few other if any posts denigrating RNmax
so I reckon u have a blx somewhere (as per scarecrow)

That said I only use it for burning DVD's & it does that superbly.
4.61 does exist...its 4.60 by Veritas and then when you update from the program to 4.61 it then has the Sonic Interface...I have both RecordNowMax by Stomp..which stops at 4.50.....there isnt much differance as far as I can tell...but then I only installed it just look at it....both Retail Versions.
I'm talking about ESJ RecordNow DX 4.60.1 the japanese version from Sonic, available fron the link that chickenman gave. You can "patch" the language files of that version with the english files and have it in english. Anyway, the same thing happened to me with the retail Stomp 4.5 version + last pxupdate.

Don't intend to offend anybody here, but no other software whatsoever got me completely bloqued and caused this kind of damage in Win 2K, so I guess it sux. So no offense fellas I was mostly trying of being funny with something that got me very angry, as you would understand.

so any smart ways to restore user profiles in Win 2K ? I've try what microsux (opps again) suggests in this cases and it didn't work. I'm about to rebuild my partition from last image backup from about 2 months ago
I still wonder why you hit the power button to stop the program... is any of the buttons alt, ctrl or del missing from your keyboard?
And the inability to stop the procedure indicates either improper burner support, or another upperfilter driver intruding...
scarecrow said:
I still wonder why you hit the power button to stop the program... is any of the buttons alt, ctrl or del missing from your keyboard?
And the inability to stop the procedure indicates either improper burner support, or another upperfilter driver intruding...
what do you think? cause nothing else worked to stop the burner; RNM won't close if a burning is running, windows taskmanager couldn't close it, neither EndItAll, only TaskInfo managed to close RNM, but that also didn't stop the burner, I tryed to shut down the system from windows but it didn't, it just kind of closed windows and got stuck and the burner kept spinning with the burning light flashing all this time !!! so... what else could I've have done?
:confused: :(
In that situsation, I'd just hit the RESET button but thats probably the same as the Power button also. Either way there was going to be a good chance of screwing your system. Looks like it did exactly that. :(

Solution: Delete the WINNT folder and re-instal :) :D
ChickenMan said:
In that situsation, I'd just hit the RESET button but thats probably the same as the Power button also. Either way there was going to be a good chance of screwing your system. Looks like it did exactly that. :(

Solution: Delete the WINNT folder and re-instal :) :D

well, actually I had to rebuild my main partition from last image backup
lesson learned =).
The ULTIMATE solution for everything:
Make an image of your HDD(s) first before installing something new like that. If everything goes nutzoids on you, then just take a deep breath and restore system with image file =) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, peace again. lol
It will be my mission to get everyone to start using some form of imaging software lol. Glad you had one of those ponzan. It can be time consuming to always make HDD images but one will always be glad to have taken that safety measure if things got all ****ed up! lol

Ponzan....Do whatever..but dont listen advices of that guy........Its well known that he`s always wrong............He posted here before that you can right-click on my computer icon,select copy,and click paste on a cd-drive...So system will be automatically backed-up.....BTW>>>Im really surprised about rnm..its a such a stable program.... :confused:
shadoe_phantom said:
lesson learned =).
The ULTIMATE solution for everything:
It will be my mission to get everyone to start using some form of imaging software
Yes for real it always pay's to back up your sysetem before install some new.....
zver said:

BTW>>>Im really surprised about rnm..its a such a stable program.... :confused:
tell me, how stable !!! I had to shoot my putter to kill it !!
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As Master said...This proggy evolved from prassi software........When i bought my first burner.....First version was free......Its around 5 years ago..or even more actually......In that time it had option to burn audio-cd from a mp3.....Also another version was for up to 64 burner.....It has been said that was working flawless...Didnt use it much--Couse i used Nero version3(4) then.....Which was a kick-ass proggy then... :) All this time prassi(rnm)has been rock-stable...I never ever had a coaster with it.......One time when my pc had a problem..and thats it.....SO>>>>>If RNM4 is not a good working reliable proggy for you??I dont think you`ll find a more stable proggy then that. :rolleyes:

It's so stable that it insisted on putting its own entry on my start menu after I moved it onto some subfolder. :D
Otherwise, it's stable. no coasters -- yet... :p
I'm trying RN DX 4.61 now, also I discover that under the File menu there is a stop alternative that work sometimes in this cases, still can't figure out what causes the problem though, even when not oberburning :confused: :(