RecordNow Max problem


New member
I'm trying to make some backup's of my ps2 games but i'm stuck at the current moment. I go through all the steps to make the global-image of my ps2 game and everything is good until here. After this I gotta burn the game onto a dvd-r but recordnow max won't let me select my dvd burner as the recorder. It only will let me select and deselect the cd-rw drive to record, and thats not gonna work for my dvd based games. :confused: When I go to make the global image of the game however the computer allows me to use my dvdrw drive for that. Any suggestions?
hi & welcome ;)
wat is ur burner?may b ur drive ain't supported by rnm
wat version of recordnow max r u using?veritas 4.5? or sonic 6.x+ or 7?
try look 4 the latest px engine