Recordnow Max Error


I'm trying to backup Dragonball Z Budokai 2. I keep getting errors with Recordnow max when burning.

Error - 10 at Sector 240 - Command: 2A Sense:05 ASC:30 ASCQ: 05.

Any help would be appreciated. I've made 4 coasters already!


sense errors usually relate to poor quality media what media are you using and what speed are you trying to burn at ?!

perhaps try burning at a lower speed or maby use better quality media such as ritek :)
Yes, I tried DVD Decrypter. It burned without errors, but won't boot on my ps2 using GS and Auto Key modchip.

Boo hoo!

5 30 05 Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format

What writer have you got ?
What version of RNM have you got ?

Presumably Dragonball Z Budokai 2 is DVD based ?

You say you successfully burned image of game using DVD decrypter, what boot method did you use to load game ?

Is it an import game ?
Hi Paul,

I have the Pioneer 105. I have version 4.5 of RNM. I also have version 7 of "Sonic's RecordNow!". Do you have a tutorial for that version?

Yes, DBZ2 is DVD based. I have to use the double swap method to load the game.

I think it's the media. I've never had problems before.

I ordered some Ritek that should arrive Monday. I have both DVD Decrypter's and RNM's images on my hd. I will try burning on Monday and see what happens.

I sure would appreciate a tutorial for that other version of RecordNow! :)

Thanks for your help!!! :D
Well, I tried my new Ritek's. Now I got the following error with RNM:

Error - 10 at sector 800 Disc Read Error Command 2A Sense 03 ASC 73 ASCQ 03.

I've never had problems before. What's happening?

Thanks for any help.

possibly try a lower burn speed with these disks ?!

not quite sure why riteks would be problematic ?!

what speed are you attempting to burn at !?
I tried 1X... I can't for the life of my figure out what the problem is.

Could it be my Pioneer DVD writer? How do you know when they are worn out? Do they wear out?

mmm wat i could suggest is 2 give bao a try & c if u have the same errors
do u/someone make 'abuse use' of the burner?