record line-in with denoiser

can i record Line-in and on th fly with a denoiser plug-in?

i have cool edit pro ,sound forge 5 and wavelab4

how can i do?
in WaveLab definitive No
it also doesn't make sense, because the DeNoiser plugin have to analyse and "learn" to get best results;

1. record to HDD
2. set up the DeNoiser in real time during playback the *.wav
3. render your *.wav by using the DeNoiser

Greetings from
sorry my failure;
it's possible in WaveLab, but i wouldn't recommend it;

quoted from the WL help file:

Live Input

Live Input means that the Master Section is used for real-time processing of signals coming in to the sound card's input(s). This signal can be anything your sound card accepts, for example a feed from a mixer, a tape recorder or a microphone.

1. To activate Live Input mode, select "Live Input" from the Specialized Windows submenu on the View menu, or click on the microphone in the Window controller bar.

2. Double click or right-click in the window that appears, to set up the
attributes for the Live Input.

3. Click the Play button to activate the Input.

By combining Live Input mode with the Record Playback Output mode in the Record dialog (see Preparations), you can record with effects.

I.e. you record the output of the Master Section, including all real-time processing.

4. To resume regular playback of opened waves, click Stop, or click on any Wave window.

It is not possible to start playback of a wave while the Live Input window is active. You must activate a Wave window before clicking the Play button.
You didn't mention AudioGrabber but for what it's worth I use the
line in recording with this program and find it excellent.
You can record directly to mp3 or wav, name the titles as you go & it's quick and easy. It has to be 'cos I'm no expert.
Hope this helps if only to give you another choice.
i need this
cos i need to record audio tape for university

i need to record and maybe without noise

i don't need a exelent quality
how can i use the denoiser of wavelab4

i did find the "learn or...."

what have i to do??

select a noise part of a song, load the noise plug-in (the comes with wave4) and click PLAY on the transport tool

nothing else?!?!?
Mantra said:
how can i use the denoiser of wavelab4? i did find the "learn or...."; what have i to do??
select a noise part of a song, load the noise plug-in (the comes with wave4) and click PLAY on the transport tool
nothing else?!?!?
yes this is the complete "learning process"; play only a few seconds for learning then stop, that's all;
now you can rewind and record or render the Wave;

the helpfile is also informative:

about DeNoiser
contents > Plug-In Processor Reference > VST Plug-Ins > DeNoiser

about Live Input
contents > Working in WaveLab > The Master Section > LiveInput > "combining Live Input mode with the Record Playback Output mode"
contents > Working in WaveLab > Playback and Recording > Recording > Preparations > "Record in Live Input mode"

Greetings from
can i store a noise print with wavelab denoiser?!??

to use in a second time

or can i save only the settings?!?
Mantra said:
can i store a noise print with wavelab denoiser?!??
no, you can store only your settings as "Preset";
after deactivating and reactivating DeNoiser you can reload your Preset, but the former noise print is gone; give it a few seconds to learn again;

seems to be you are a plague; :D

yes the lame 3.92 codec is a nativ component in WaveLab;
additional Fraunhofer is supported since WL version 4.0f; you switch between the codecs, in the same dialog where you setup the encoding bitrate and the quality; before version 4.0f no switching is possible, because lame is the only codec;

during recording
Helpfile > Content > Working in WaveLab > Playback and recording > Recording > Preparations:
2. Decide whether you want to record to a "named" or a "temporary" file, by selecting from the pop-up at the top of the dialog.

Temporary files are practical to use, since you don't need to name the file beforehand, you just "hit record and go". On the other hand, you will need to save the file at a later stage. Temporary files are always wave files, while named files allow you to choose to record either a wave file or an mp3 file. Also note that if you plan to make a long recording (several minutes) we recommend that you record a named file.
... ...
4. If you're recording a wave file, click the Properties button, and decide on a recording format.

See Supported file formats for details. If you choose to record directly to an mp3 file, the Audio Properties dialog appears automatically, and the options for Sample Rate and Bit Resolution are limited in comparison with a wave file. ...

encoding to mp3 after recording a Wave
Helpfile > Content > Working in WaveLab > Batch file encoding > Basic procedure:
WaveLab can open and play compressed files in the formats MP3 and OSQ (Original Sound Quality), which is WaveLab's proprietary lossless audio format. It's also possible to convert files of other formats to MP3, WMA (Windows Media Audio) and OSQ. While this can be done by opening a file and selecting "Encode" from the Save special (wave) submenu on the File menu, you can also convert several files in one go (batch conversion). This is much like a simplified version of the Batch Processor, for when only batch file conversion is needed (no processing).
... ...
6. Clicking on the switch to the right of the format the pop-up calls up a dialog, where you can set the encoding parameters (MP3/WMA only).

Greetings from
with live-input & play i have a lot of problems

i connected my micro recorder in line-in but it recorded voice e a lot of echo!!!

and i tried to record without effects!

Mhh.. which soundcard do you have, sb live, audigy..? You might have some effects on, in the soundcard control panel.. :)
i have 2 computer

one with a sound blaster live

and in another pc i have a CMI-8738 cmedia integrated in my asus mb

but i have the same problems!!!!!!!!
What's about recording in "Audio card input" mode and not in "Playback output" mode?
i know you can't add WL efects in "Audio card input" mode, but i will know, if the problem also is present there;
also try another playback source and not only your micro recorder's headphones output;

till now i agree with lore, it seems to be an activated "sound card effect"; i had also to disable all sound card efects in my Terratec control panel;
you should also disable all unneeded In- & Output channels;

Greetings from
Yep, disable all but the one you're using, I remember of a friend telling me about echo effect.. the mic was on.. :D