Rebuilder & shrink


New member
Daft question, but instead of using DVD Decrypter, could I use Shrink using no compression and reauthor so it only had the movie before passing to Rebuilder?
Can't see why not. However what would be the point? The idea of DVDRebuilder is to simplify making a 1:1 copy using CCE, QuEnc, etc. Therefor if you want movie only, why use DVDRebuilder?


New member
Till now I used DVD2SVCD and had to reauthor manually.

Rebuilder would do all that for me.

Films like Fight Club have extras I don't want, and it would leave more room for CCE.

Any other ideas?
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celtic_druid said:
Can't see why not. However what would be the point? The idea of DVDRebuilder is to simplify making a 1:1 copy using CCE, QuEnc, etc. Therefor if you want movie only, why use DVDRebuilder?
It also seems that Rebuilder is a way to simplify the use of encoding with CCE. I do strictly Movie Only backups (first through Shrink) with Rebuilder on any 2 1/2+ hour movies. An easy way to get the benefit of CCE encoding. A 172 minute movie like "Heat" does not hold up too well if transcoded, but looks very nice when run Movie Only through Rebuilder.
If you want movie only and want to use CCE for its encoding, then you really cant go past DVDREasy, its a true one click solution. Does main movie ONLY, with 1 audio track and up to 1 subtitle track. Produces a VIDEO_TS folder full of the right stuff ready to burn with what ever. If the movie + audio is under the 4.37 gb DVDR limit, then it just reauthors it without encoding.

Get it from and we host his forum here Hes wanting some feedback guys.