Question regarding surround-sound encoded ac3 and ac3-capable DVD-recording software


New member
Hi all,

I am a bit new to the whole DVD video production, but have been interested for the longest time to make my works (I am a composer) available in multichannel ac3-encoded format.

What I've been wondering is whether it is possible for instance to build your own ac3 encoded _multichannel_ soundfile using one of the pro-audio solutions (i.e. Cool Edit Pro) and then simply import it into one of the cheap DVD-authoring software that supports ac3 (i.e. Sonic MyDVD 5 Deluxe) and still have the DVD playback the originally encoded multichannel ac3 soundfile, despite the fact that the Sonic MyDVD 5 Deluxe is advertised to support only stereo ac3 format?

What I am confused about whether this ac3-stereo limitation of Sonic MyDVD refers only to the stuff that needs to be encoded by the MyDVD, or does this mean that even if you import already encoded ac3 multichannel file that MyDVD will mangle it and reconstruct it as a stereo ac3 stream?

Finally, I also have a more general question as to what do you think is the best affordable (i.e. sub $300) DVD authoring software out there that supports building ac3 encoded multichannel sessions, as well as full flexibility of menu-building, where one can move menu buttons around the screen and is not necessarily template-driven (and hence template-limited).

I would greatly appreciate any help I can get regarding these 2 issues.

Best wishes,

Welcome to the forum.

I'm not familular with Cool Edits AC3 conversion merits, but turning any 2 channel sound into 5ch sounds is not an easy task. Whiler I have seen many tools that "appear" to do this, the back channels are simple empty or void of any sound what so ever.

MyDVD will not allow you to import a 5ch AC3 to start with so no it wont "mangle it and reconstruct it as a stereo ac3 stream" Your best soultion to author your stuff and allow some great Menu creations is DVDLab.


New member
re: DVD-lab

Thank you very much for your insight in this matter. I do have just one more question and that is whether you know if the DVD-Lab supports importing multichannel (5.1) ac-3 streams for production of streams with multichannel audio?


Best wishes,



New member
re: ac3

Apologies for not being clear about my interests/intentions.

I am not interested in converting 2ch to 5.1 and vice versa, but rather, I am planning on using external app to create an ac3 multichannel stream (a multichannel composition, if you like) and am looking to burn it onto a DVD using a DVD authoring tool that will preserve the multichannel capability of the encoded stream.

Hopefully this makes matters a bit clearer. :)

Best wishes,

ico said:
Thank you very much for your insight in this matter. I do have just one more question and that is whether you know if the DVD-Lab supports importing multichannel (5.1) ac-3 streams for production of streams with multichannel audio?


Best wishes,

Of course, thats why I suggested it. :rolleyes: You can also use TMPGEnc DVD Author (but menus are Templates only). But it does only support 1 audio stream (which I'm sure thats all you need). If you need multi Audio tracks then the professional Maestro or Scenarist is what you need.
ico said:
Apologies for not being clear about my interests/intentions.

I am not interested in converting 2ch to 5.1 and vice versa, but rather, I am planning on using external app to create an ac3 multichannel stream (a multichannel composition, if you like) and am looking to burn it onto a DVD using a DVD authoring tool that will preserve the multichannel capability of the encoded stream.

Hopefully this makes matters a bit clearer. :)

Best wishes,

'Sonic foundry Soft Encode Dolby Digital 5.1' is able to mix or encode 6 recorded channels to make a 5.1 AC3 stream. Havent done it though, but always assumed you need to record from 6 different positions (to give true 5.1) or perhaps your could remaster slightly each channel recording before making the AC3 stream.
You really need to seek more expert help on this but hope the mention of 'Sonic foundry Soft Encode Dolby Digital 5.1' will give you a starting point since previous replies dont seem to have understood what you were trying to achieve.
...... or have I mis-understood also ?


New member
re: understanding

Well sort of :).

I [mostly] know how to make an ac3 stream with multichannel encoding. What I am not sure, or let me put it this way, what I _was_ not sure about is whether importing such a stream in a software that supports only ac3 stereo streams (i.e. MyDvd) will result in mangling it into a stereo ac3, or will MyDVD simply burn it onto a DVD as it has been originally encoded and therefore have the authored DVD support multichannel 5.1 audio.

Thanks anyhow for all your help!

Ah , right. I first thought of Ulead® DVD Workshop AC-3 version, But that will 'mangle' the 5.1 into stereo AC3, as you fear MyDVD will.
DVDMaestro will definately accept 5.1 AC3 without the 'mangle'.
Not sure about DVDLab, but think it is ok without the 'mangle'.
The old spruceup from spruce will also accept 5.1 AC3 without the 'mangle' , also Sonic Scenarist.
Dont know how you will do it tho without a video stream ?