Question about dvdstripper


New member
Is dvdstripper able to strip dvd files from the harddrive
after you have used dvddecrypter or does it have to do
it directly from the dvd disc itself :confused:
Hi sunfire, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

sorry, i don't have knowledge in DVD backuping; please stay a little bit patient, the experts will surely find and reply your question;
Did you already check the help file?

btw: did move the thread to a much more proper rubric; ;)

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Greetings from
sunfire said:
Is dvdstripper able to strip dvd files from the harddrive
after you have used dvddecrypter or does it have to do
it directly from the dvd disc itself :confused:
DVDStripper needs to have a DVD inserted or an ISO mounted at this time. However, this is a much requested feature.



New member
Virtual DVD-Drive

sunfire said:
Is dvdstripper able to strip dvd files from the harddrive
after you have used dvddecrypter or does it have to do
it directly from the dvd disc itself :confused:
Hey Sunfire, are your files currently in an .iso format or do you have all of the VOB etc. files in a folder? DVDStripper currently can only rip from a DVD drive...BUT, if you make the files on your harddrive into an .iso file using Nero or another dvd burning program, then you can use a program such as daemon-tools to mount the .iso image to a "virtual dvd drive", then you can use DVDStripper.



New member
I though I'd post this question here rather than starting another thread as it seemed relevant to this discussion.

I've been trying to create an ISO of some existing files, but Nero and all the other utilities I've tried clip the ISO size at 4GB.

My VOB's add up to almost 7GB in size. Are DVD ISO/NRG files supported beyond 4GB?

The good news is that they do mount with Daemon but half the VOB's are missing.

Any suggestions? I've tried to look for options in Nero to increate file size limits w/o much luck.



New member
I think I solve my mystery. Nero creates more files if you exceed 4GB. When you mount the first with Daemon it pick up the others and the resulting virtual disk is the full size as I would expect :D
bothanjedi said:
I think I solve my mystery. Nero creates more files if you exceed 4GB. When you mount the first with Daemon it pick up the others and the resulting virtual disk is the full size as I would expect :D
good to hear you sorted your own little problem out :), but better that you came back and told us ;)



New member
There's more. I converted the filesystem from FAT32 to NTFS (convert X: /fs:ntfs) and nero was able to create one single file.

thanks for checking in ;)
bothanjedi said:
There's more. I converted the filesystem from FAT32 to NTFS (convert X: /fs:ntfs) and nero was able to create one single file.

thanks for checking in ;)
I created a 20Gb NTFS partition on one of my FAT32 drives just in case I ever needed to mount a DVD

I have always mean't to reinstall to tidy my whole system up as it's quite messy now, but I've been saying that for 2 years now! :)

I just keep fixing any issues instead of reinstalling a fresh OS, as I don't wanna lose the 2 years worth of tweaks and setup etc on my system :(