PSX and PS2 backups


New member
I just installed the Magic 3.1 chip in my PS2. I am trying to figure out if I installed it incorrectly or if I'm not backing up my discs properly.

I made a straight copy of the PS1 Crash Bandicoot CD using Veritas Recordnow version 4.56 and followed the instructions to boot a PS1 copy but all I get is a message asking for me to enter a PS1 or PS2 disk.

Does anyone know if this program and version will copy these games? I also have Roxio 5.3 but haven't tried that yet. Most sites I read recommend using Nero or NTI or something stating I have to use a Track at Once option which I don't see in either Veritas or Roxio.

I am using a Sony DRU-500a drive to burn.

Also, I've seen instructions to make a copy of PS2 DVD game and it appears that I only have to copy one file from the original to the copy. Is this true? I think it had a .gi extension. Is there any special formatting procedure for this? I have DVD-R 4x disks.

Thanks... any information would be helpful.
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welcome to the forum,

I have made successful 1 to 1 copies using Roxio Easy CD Creator 5. I just make a direct copy and burn it at 1x and it works fine. The best way to probably check to see if your magic is installed properly is taking a backup that you know WORKS for sure. Some good programs for backing up DVD games are Record now Max, DVD decryptor, prassi primo. There are many guides available. I use Roxio becuz it's the easiest but other guides are available. Just checkout the forum's tutorials or psx_paul's guides. He has large variety and easy to follow instructions. it can be found at


New member
PS2King... thanks for the tips. I tried another Roxio copy. The slowest I could get it to copy is 4x. Didn't work. I also checked out that link you gave me and tried DVD Decrypter. Making the copy was easy using the online instructions. Still didn't work.

I must have a bad solder joint somewhere. I know of 2 or 3 solder points that were impossible to see. I'll have to get a huge magnifying glass and see if I can find a tiny soldering iron. I've never had to solder contacts this small before.

I'm going to create a new post on the actual installation of the 3.1 Magic chip and see if I can get anywhere on that.

Thanks again for your help.



Which version is ur ps2, I may be able to find some diagrams that are pretty clear. Clear enough to clearly see the soldering points. :)