PS2 Rumble Racing and Tomb Raider backup problems


New member
Hello all.....I'm new to this forum but it looks great with great resources.

We are using a flip top and swap magic 3.0 in a v4 console and have been successful backing up a bunch of our games. So far all have been successful except for Rumble Racing (CD ROM), and Tomb Raider ( DVD). I use Nero 6 for all the successful burns (very simple) but when these 2 games didn't work, and after making a bunch of coasters I have tried CloneCD, Roxio, and DVDecryptor, and made several more coasters. Rumble Racing is EA and TRAOD is Aidos.

Does anyone know if these games are NOT compatible with SMD? I am suspecting they are not....have even tried CDLoader for double protection on Rumble racing to no avail. I actually suspect I have a bunch of good burns that I can not use without a chip.

Any insight would be welcomed.


New member
DR109 said:
Does anyone know if these games are NOT compatible with SMD? I am suspecting they are not....have even tried CDLoader for double protection on Rumble racing to no avail.

Any insight would be welcomed.
What is CDLOADER and what is it used for?


New member
OwenRocky said:
What is CDLOADER and what is it used for?
CDLoader is something I never used before this but it was supposed to get by double protection prior to SMD 3.0........................3.0 was supposed to fix it but I tried it anyhow.
DR109 said:
Hello all.....I'm new to this forum but it looks great with great resources.

We are using a flip top and swap magic 3.0 in a v4 console and have been successful backing up a bunch of our games. So far all have been successful except for Rumble Racing (CD ROM), and Tomb Raider ( DVD). I use Nero 6 for all the successful burns (very simple) but when these 2 games didn't work, and after making a bunch of coasters I have tried CloneCD, Roxio, and DVDecryptor, and made several more coasters. Rumble Racing is EA and TRAOD is Aidos.

Does anyone know if these games are NOT compatible with SMD? I am suspecting they are not....have even tried CDLoader for double protection on Rumble racing to no avail. I actually suspect I have a bunch of good burns that I can not use without a chip.

Any insight would be welcomed.
For the CD based game: -
Check the TOC size of the game. The PS2 won't read CD based games >650 MB without a modchip.

For the DVD based game: -
What is the exact symptoms? Does the game boot to PS2 logo then freeze? Does it start the game then go to a RSOD (Red Screen of Death) ?

There is a workaround if the DVD games goes to the RSOD: -
originally posted by my good buddy bighap over at another forum
I know lots of people are having problems starting Splinter Cell without getting the Red Screen of Death. I have discovered the solution.

Well I picked up Splinter Cell today and have good news. In case you don't already know, you can disable your apple by holding reset while booting for about 5 seconds. Here are my results.

Original with normal boot----> Boots fine but get RSOD when starting a new game.

Original with apple disabled---->Boots fine and starts new game fine.

Backup with normal boot---->Boots fine but get RSOD when starting a new game.

Backup with apple disabled---->RSOD. Duh!

I thought no this can't be. The apple is perfect and I am going to proove it.....and I did! I found a loophole.

For booting a backup do a normal boot. When starting a new game if you choose to save, let it save. It will then say saved correctly with the option to hit ok. Simply push X and the open tray button on your ps2 simultaneously. You will now just have a black screen. Let your tray stay open for a second or two then close the tray. Your game now boots perfectly.

Do this same method when starting a new game without saving as well. You will be asked do you want to save. Say no. Then you will be asked are you sure? Highlight yes and hit X and the open tray button simultaneously. Then close your tray after a second or two.

This also must be done when loading a saved game. Just highlight your saved game and hit X and open tray button simultaneously. Then close your tray after a second or two.

I still have no complaints about the apple.


New member
psx_paul said:
For the CD based game: -
Check the TOC size of the game. The PS2 won't read CD based games >650 MB without a modchip.

For the DVD based game: -
What is the exact symptoms? Does the game boot to PS2 logo then freeze? Does it start the game then go to a RSOD (Red Screen of Death) ?

There is a workaround if the DVD games goes to the RSOD: -

Hi Paul....Not sure where to find the TOC of the CD but if you mean the entire disk its 499MB.

The DVD symptom is I put in the disk when instructed and push X....I get the blue border and its hangs there....doesn;t make it to the PS2 LOGO.

I've been able to back up every other DVD and CD games I've tried including EA games without problems
