ps2 game backup ?


New member
:) hi can anybody help.
ive just bought a gigabyte go-w0804a dvd+/- player/copier and i would like to
backup my ps2 games
is there anyway i could do this without having a mod chip in my ps2 ?
my burning software is .record now dx
i have tried decryption with dvd decryptor but alas it still dont work :(
helllllllllp please my son is killing all my games .
life without my vice city (er not).

is there anyway i could do this without having a mod chip in my ps2 ?
The answer is simple...NO.

You need a modchip...get one it's totally worth it!
If you scrap 2 games, it'll pay for itself.

helllllllllp please my son is killing all my games .
I totally understand...that's why you should get a modchip.



New member
thanks dd51

thanks mate can u recommend anywhere ?
as im new at this
can u recommend any burning software.
record now dx is pants.
thought about nero 6 but ive been told its overrated and too much cash for what it is .
ive got clone dvd but i dont rate it.
alcohol 120% is good but ive only got a 30 day trial.

many thanks dd51
moved to the "Console Gaming > Backup" area

Welcome to the forum :)

RecordNow DX - is that pants = good or pants = bad ? :D
I always use RecordNow Max for my PS2 DVD backupa and have never had any problems. Have you tried following the backup tutorials in the "Console Gaming > Tutorials" section ?

Regarding the modchip - where abouts are you located in the world ? I might be able to point you in the right direction :)


New member
ps2 game backup

thanks psxpaul .
i live in dartford in kent .
tell u what the problem is with record now.
ive had this gigabyte dvd burner/player for about two weeks now.
before i installed it i set a restore always.
after about the first week i opened up the record dx to do a burn.
and it would not open on my desktop,just the taskbar.
so i tried to use sys restore,and guess what every restore point was knackered.
so last weekend i had the joy of reinstalling xp.
burner will only sometimes "backup" dvd with dvd decryptor. :confused:
this machine is a labour of love,completly built by myself.
1.8 athlon xp,512 ddr.30,20,10gb hdd,clear case + much more.

thanks 4 any help provided.

bytes. :)

You really shouldn't have any problems backing up a PS2 game with DVDDecrypter. That's what I use and never had a problem.
Make an image then burn the image...that's it!

BTW, I hope you're using good makes a big difference!
Most people here will recommend Ritek media. That's what i use and burn all my games @ 4X without any problems.

I can't comment on RecordnowMax. I don't use it, but if psx_paul says it's good, then trust me....he knows what he's talking about!

Sorry I can't help you with where to get a modchip installed in you're area! I live in Canada! I bought my PS2 (in the US) prechiped for $289US and have had no problems at all. Good luck



New member

sorry did not know you lived outside the uk
got nero 6 now so that should improve things bit.
gonna shop around 4 the modchip
my mate enjoyed my backup of vice city he,s already chipped up. :(

many thanks 4 your help...
sorry for the delay in replying :)

you can either
a) purchase a mod (something like Messiah2 or DMS3) on its own and install/solder yourself
b) courier your PS2 to a reliable company, who will supply/install the mod and courier the PS2 back to you (quick turnaround)

I would recommend - very reliable and excellent installers :)