Program to fix a damaged Audio CD??

Is there a proggie to assist in repairing a cd with a damaged audio file (ie song)?
I have a cd with one track only damaged. The CD is of a musician from New Orleans and hard to find.
I would choose CDex in "total paranoia" mode, but depending of the level of damage of your CD there is possibility that you will still need to process the .wav file (remember that song? "with a click click here, and a pop pop there...").

In this second process, my choice would be Steinberg Wavelab.

My son used the CD #2 of the 4-discs set "Genesis archives", box #1, to clean the floor, with very nasty consequences for Peter Gabriel's voice. CDex and Wavelab took care of everything like a charm!

It may not be as bad as I thought. I downloaded Cdex. The one track of 15 on the CD does not play right in my car stereo. However it plays fine in CDex. I will try it in EAC. If it works well here, I will try to copy it and see how it goes. If it misplays in my car stereo, then try and rip the track in CDex and then redo the CD?