Probs with ReMPEG

i stripp the movie with ReMPEG to a smaler picture size?
than i have remux vob-files and *.m2v file to new vobs. (77%)

( i have 2 turtorials,one from doom9)

four tests with other settings calculate,all the same

all is allright but the new remuxed movie have a bad picture to view,many artefacte and a tremble picture

what can i do to resize 5,5 gbyte vob mpvie to put it on one dvd
(extras and all other language-streams are ripped) ?


hi mate ....

u should use another tool for reencoding ... --> I know that Rempeg works best with IfoEdit ...but Rempeg is quite old and produces low quality mpgs... try Tmpg or CCE ...u will never see such poor quality again !
