Problems With region code??

Antonio Freitas

New member
I have a Cibox DVDRW and all my burn dvd work in my dvd player (denver), until change my region to 1 (initial has none), after that all new burn dvd don't work on my dvdplayer. I use 1st step dvddecrip to create a free zone image, 2nd use dvdsrink to fit into a 4.7DVD-R and 3rd burn with nero. In my computer the burn dvd after that change region work fine, except in dvdplayer. I think it could me a medium, but dosen't work with tdk, emtec, ritek, princo, sky, verbatin. Could the change region have any interference in Write burn DVD-R....
Thanks in advance....
Just change your Denver back to Region none ! Problem solved. Both DVD Decrypter & Shrink have settings where you can make the final dvd any region you want, so just check that DVD Decrypter is removing all Region info and that Shrink to ste ALL regions when it creates its files. Nero has no impact on Region settings.

Antonio Freitas

New member
i', not very explicited, I change the region in the DVDRW not in dvdplayer. this is the problem. My DVDplayer is region free and read any kinf of dvd+-xx except all the dvd-r I burn after the change region on DVDRW. I'm trying to read any information about Book type field and Bitsetting, that coud confuse my DVDRW whem I burn a DVD-r.... it's a guess... by the way all firmware is updated, with last version. If you have any sugestions.....