Problems with Nero 6 trying to burn VCD !!!!


New member
I have already started a thread in this forum about burning VCD straight from an AVI file using Nero 6 only.
After I tried many methods, non of them succeeded I decided to try the conventional way and followed the guide published here regarding burning VCD.
I used Tmpegenc, Virtualdub and everything else in there, until I filnally got an amazing mpg file which runs smoothly on Windows Media Player, with the sound and everything.
But the problem remains, when I'm trying to burn the VCD from the mpg file, again I get the same "RunTime Library Error" that I got when I tried to burn the AVI file to VCD.
I tried different versions of Nero 6, I tried to install and uninstall plug-ins for Nero 6.
Nothing Helps.
Does somebody have any idea - what could be the problem ?
with much respect,


New member
I tried something new

I followed an advice from a friend, I didn't use the Nero 6 Smarstart but the normal burning ROM program to burn a VCD from an mpg file.
When I dragged the MPG file which is an mpg file that runs without any problems on the Windows Media Player, I get a window which says That the file I'm trying to burn is not a valid file for creating a standard Video CD.
Then I get the requirements for an mpg file to be a Video CD compliant, and then the text explains whats wrong with my file :
-stream encoding which is invalid for a [Super] Video CD
-no audio
Then I get two options:
1. Turn Off standard compliant and Continue - This option creates a non playable VCD.
2. Re-Encode the Video File - Here I get the known "RunTime Library Error" Window....
help... anyone ??
Exactly what Tutorial have you followed, there are a few there. As you say you used TMPGenc, if you did NOT select a VCD Template (NTSC or PAL) then it will NOT make a valid VCD mpg for you. If you did load in the template then you are basically unable to make anything other than a VCD.


New member
thanks guys for your help

I finally made it, I burned a VCD, thanks to the help of all of you and to the guide published by the ChickenCan. In some magical way, this time the conversion with TmpegEnc went well and I got a good mpg file, but yet I have a few things to consult about :
- First, Duracell - I tried installing all of the VB6 RunTime files supplementels you avised me to do - it didn't help, My Nero 6 still crashes when I'm trying to brun directly from an AVI file with the 'RunTime Library Error'. Do you have any other Idea about what should I install to avoid this error ?
And just wanted to make sure you notice that this time I had problems with the burning after I tried to convert the AVI file myself using TmpegEnc and not using Nero 6 for it, and still I got the 'RunTime Library Error.
- Second, for some reason, when I tried to burn the mpg file which I converted from AVI file I still got the message saying that my mpg file is not a Video CD compliant and that Nero had to encode it himself, which this time he does without any problems. Is it O.K. to get this message ? is it normal ?
- And third, Although the VCD is good, it's not perfect, I have some problems with the Sound. high frequencies don't sound well, is there something I could do about it ? The audio was originally encoded by the ac3 format. ( - if that helps to explain the audio problem).
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1. two possible reasons: crippled AVI file or a Nero bug;

2. i never burned a VCD, SVCD, DVD in my life, so i cannot say if it's normal; but if you already created a standard VCD file by using TmpegEnc, i would have answered "No - leave as it is" in Nero;

3. sorry, no idea about; :(


New member
what about a library pack for VC 6 ?

could a library service pack for vc 6 help ?

ChickenMan, ay idea about the audio problems I published before ?
yossis said:
what about a library pack for VC 6? could a library service pack for vc 6 help?
VC 6 :confused: ... you mean VB 6?
my first posting in this thread should point you to an M$ page where the VB 6 libraries are located; :)

ChickenMan, ay idea about the audio problems I published before ?
is in holidays till january;
Why don't you do yourself a favour and forget Nero- and use instead the last free version (1.1.5) of Vcdeasy?
The last commercial versions might be better, but that one puts Nero (and every other VCD builder) to shame. If your burner isn't supported by this version, you can still burn your cue/bin by Burnatonce, Burrrn!, Nero or whatever you use to burn cue/bin...


New member
I tried installing VB 6 updates

I'm asking What about VC 6 updates ?
I have some problems with the audio after I burn the mpg to VCD, the sound isn't perfect, especially at high frequencies.
I used only TMpegEnc to convert the AVI file from the X-Vid AC3 format to an mpg format.
I'm asking is there supposed to be a reduction at the audio quality when converting from ac3 avi file to an mpg file ?
Is there any way to improve the sound ?
Should I seperate the sound from the video to get the best quality at this case ?
Or maybe this is what you get when you don't purcahse the original version of a DVD series...
What are you using to downmix/decode the AC3? Also are you using TMPGEnc's internal audio encoder?

Try using BeSweet or HeadAC3e to do the audio seperatly.