problems with movie clone


New member
Please can you help,

I am using X-OOM movie clone to rip dvd-dvd. I have download the file mcldecrypt.exe and I am still having problems ripping some dvd's. My dvd writer is a freecom dvd +/- rw4b set to region 2. I have been able to rip some dvd's that have been copied before hand but not my own personally owned dvd's.
Please can you help.

Many thanks


New member
VIPER_1069 said:
have you tried dvddecrypter avail here >


read our tutorials section how to use it :)

do i use dvddecrypter instead of movie clone which cost me 30 quid or with movie clone. The problem i have is that movie clone will rip some dvd's but some just will not play on a multi region dvd player,like most people i get my dvd from amercia so i can have them early. the advice seen is check disc? is this a problem with region? or a problem with movie clone?
the download dvddecrpter, does it need any other software as i have tried it before and get the error message stating that the disc is not big enough (4.7 gb), it is as if not desizing the film.
hmmmmmmmm you need to shrink the image with something like DVD SHRINK read our tutorials on that too :)

readin the info on the x-oom web site it says ...

9 GB to 4.7 GB
Many retail DVDs have a capacity up to 9 gigabytes. Since writable blank DVDs have a capacity of only 4.7 gigabytes, X-OOM Movie Clone can compress the video data to fit. The technology used for this intelligent data reduction (transcoding) is able to compress data without noticeable loss of quality. This ensures that the compressed DVD videos cannot be told apart from the original with the naked eye.
so im guesing you have to rip with decrypter then compress with movie clone perhaps !?


New member
i had read the posts in the help section, the problem is not with size using movie clone but it is not decrypting the dvd. it will do any pre copied dvd's which are region 2 but not region 1 and no orginal personnel owned region 1 or 2. the software i bought ONCE YOU OPEN IT states that they have removed the file mcldecrypt.exe (stopping deencrypting css). I have readded this file and still unable to decode. I can not be the only person who has bought this software from the biggest seller of computer software on the high street who is getting problems. I have tried using the tutorials section but it is some what confusing to me as it states to use DVD Maestro 2.9 which you can not download any more? Alos I am using diffrent software than that listed. Any suggestions or advice. A step by step on what to do would be nice please.....pretty please?
pre copied stuff will already have the protection removed and already be compressed to fit a standard size dvdr :)

which is why it works :)

try LAZ's totally free guide here >

as for XOOM possibly search google for support forums for it they may have an answer !?

my guess is that they removed the decrypter as removing copy protection is usually frowned on by big movie companies because the protection protects their work so usually dvd tool makers remove this option as a gesture of goodwill to avoid them being closed down by the BIG movie industries :(

try googling for the missing file and copying it to the installion folder and see if this helps :)