problems in starting pc

I was given a Pc,Monitor,keyboard,mouse & Speakers to sell for my father-in law.
He said that it was running Windows98 & it was ok.
On getting it home, I switched it on & up came `please insert password`
I attempted to put in the password but all I got was X then the next line X, finally
the third line was X+a small face beside it!
I could put any letter in & that is all I get.
I then tried safe mode, but when I pressed Del, nothing happened.
CTR+ALT+DEL work ok in restarting but it will not boot from a floppy or disc at all.
Even if I could start it & re-install windows98 that would help.
As it is, I am at a loss to think what it is.
I even tried my keyboard but to no avail.
If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful.
I don`t know the make or model or what size memory or anything as I don`t
want to open it up in case he blames me!
Either pm me or e-mail at:
try removing the motherboard bios battery for a few mins to clear the bios /bios password and then replace it and try booting the system up :)
There is no other way to reset the bios password- only the one Viper suggested. And you don't really have to remove the battery (it's not even possible in some mobos), you have to use the bios reset jumper for 10-15 seconds to activate the defaults. The jumper position is shown at your mobo's manual- if you don't have it you can download it from the net.


Also..... don't forget to ungplug the PSU from the wall when you reset the bios jumper (aka clear CMOS jumper). Not only are their unhealthy amounts of voltages in there, but some Mobo BIOS chips will be fried if you clear the CMOS with the power still connected!