Problems copying a burnt cd

I burnt a 80min CD on Nero and using it as the master, I brought it to a place to get it batched copy. They use a 6 disc CD Tower to make multiple copies. The problem is they said that they can't read my CD for some reason. I'm pretty sure I was able to make a copy of a burnt CD on my own computer before so I don't know what the problem would be.

Here are the specifications on how I burnt the master and hopefully someone can help me because I really need this batch of CDs (they are our wedding gifts for guests)

Burnt with TDK media at lowest speed 4x
CD text included
Buffer Protect on
Took away CDA pauses

I appreciate any help!
if you click on the tracks and then properties, there is a box at the bottom left that says protection, check to see if this is ticked, it did affect my recordings, only hope im'e right for you
i do use nero but have never seen this box selected as default but i have selected it just to see what it did and i couldnt copy the burnt cd afterwards
mastering in Nero (no wizard): select all files you had put in the left window, right click on the files, "set copy(right) bit" > No, "set privat bit" > Yes

try it