Problems burning MP3 with Nero

I have Nero and am trying (trying being the word!) to burn a disc with MP3's on it. I have a DVD player that plays MP3's and I want to play them on it.

I burnt the disc as a data disc, and it plays fine on my computer, but Im having problems with it in the DVD player. For example, it will play the first couple of tracks (for eg. 1 & 2), but it won't play the next (track 3), but will play 4 & 5 & 6, but then not 7 & 8. I had probably 80 MP3's on the cd but out of those maybe 1/3 wouldn't play back properly in the DVD player. I contacted the place where I bought the DVD from but they seem to think it is something I am doing wrong when burning the MP3's to cd.

Can someone please tell me how to do this. I just used the Wizard to burn a data disc, maybe I have to change other settings to get it to work right?? Any help would be appreciated as Im burning lots of duds here at the moment.

If you haven't already guessed Im pretty new to burning music etc.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Karen :)
mp3 disc

*** Not 100% Certain ***
read that for mp3 players (portables) you need to limit the number of files in each folder to approx 78 - 80. (you should have been ok).

this article was for the portables so i do not know if this applies to the large unit dvd players that support mp3 files.

do you have other burning software on your computer that you can use to make a data cd for your mp3s to see if it is your player, the disc media, or nero?
I do not know the specifics of which versions of nero are the least buggy but, i just updated to 5582 because 5556 had bugs with the creation of the video cd and creation of image files. it seems to work now with 5582 but everybody is against nero because of all the bugs recently.
Thanks for your reply. Oops, I should have said that it was a normal standalone DVD player that most of us use in our loungerooms. I forgot all about the portables!

I have tried 3 different types of media just in case that was the problem, but that didn't seem to make a difference. Unfortunately Nero is the only burning software I have at the moment. I always used to use Adaptec Easy CD Creator, but a week ago I upgraded to XP Professional, and my version 4 isn't compatible with XP :( I've been looking everywhere for a copy of the Platinum version of EZCD Creator. I tried downloading it but it didn't work, and being on a 56k modem I really didn't want to spend all those hours downloading it again from another source :( So Nero is very new to me and I thought maybe it was a case of operator error, which it seems to be :D
Thanks again!
Karen :)
Sorry not much help...if any other problems post...a very bright bunch of guys and now i have learned there are gals in the midst.
someone will be able to direct you

there is a search button in the top right hand corner of the page it works very well and alot of stuff has been discussed here. that is a good place to start.

and Welcome to the board:)
Hi again,
Thanks for the welcome! LOL @ just finding out there are girls in the midst here :D I have been here for awhile, but for some reason when I went to post today it said I wasn't registered :eek: I tried all sorts of ways to get back in, but ended up registering, thats why Im only showing a few posts. Thanks for pointing out the search button. I had to scroll right across my screen to see it, I didn't even know it was there. And yes, I agree, this is a great place to come to get some help, and to give some, if you are able.
Karen :)

i don't normally associate a gender with a name but the recent survey showed that there are several females on the board.
it doesn't matter to me-if the advice is good i will try it regardless of male/female supplier. i am sure there are knowledgeable females on this board, it is just that without seeing face to face it is hard to tell a gender from the names or is that aliases

Njoy the board and don't be afraid to speak up...everybody sees things a little bit differently
Are you sure that your DVD player is capable to play _all_ your MP3s (bitrate, VBR/CBR, ID3 tags, etc.)?
hi Kalinda5

i think Spoza is on right way,
are all your MP3s ripped in same type?
same bitrate? also most standalone players can only play CBR bitrates

take a look at a file wich is playable and render the others in same rate
More,more,more,please tell me more.....I thought the standalone dvd player I just bought could play VBR(stupid-stupid-me),haven´t tried a mp3 record yet but I think I´ll wait until I understand all of this.........
Are you sure that your DVD player is capable to play _all_ your MP3s (bitrate, VBR/CBR, ID3 tags, etc.)?

Hi Spoza,, Im not sure at all :confused: I know what bitrate means, but I have no idea what the other things are that you mentioned. I looked in the manual that came with the player, and all it says is that it is capable of playing MP3's.

Duracell, you mentioned in a post above, that maybe they should all be the same bitrate. I looked at them, and they are not. Some are 160, others 128, and others different again. You suggested looking at one that is playable and then render the other ones in the same bitrate. Can you please explain how to do this?

Any help is appreciated.
Karen :)
Since Nero is good for many other things (like BIN/CUE, .ISO, Audio, VCD/SVCD, still images to VCD/SVCD etc.) but little poor on DATA so I don't burn DATA with Nero to have much experience (I stop using it for over a year now).

About the MP3 stuff, my brothers and I have several standalone DVD players can play MP3, and I have burnt around 40 CDs (MP3 as DATA for my bros and myself) and no problem (one CD has 1 bad MP3 and it need to be manually forwards to next song ?).

So you may want to try different brand see if it works any better, upgrade your Nero to newer version (I don't remember exact version but I know that couple older versions have few minor bugs), and may want to use other CDR program for DATA (NTI, WInOnCD v3.8 etc. are good CDR programs).
mp3 rendering/settings

hello again


you could render the files with nero, but you need to install the latest Nero MP3 PlugIn;
you can find it on the main site in download section;

open nero, close the wizard, in menu: Extras > File Encoding, add the source files, Output file format: mp3, settings: no mp3Pro constant bitrate, choose quality and bitrate wich is playable by your standalone player (make a test with different bitrates), maybe change expert settings "padding" if first try does'nt work, select target directory on HD, OK, Go;
files will be rendered; now burn the new files as Data CD

there are many other programms to render/convert mp3 files; many peoples = many different preferred software
i'm using WaveLab, but you must have studied many years on university to handle it :D


bitrate: 128 kBit = normaly, 192 kBit = better, there are many rates more
samplingrate: 44100 Hz = normaly CD rip,
cbr = constant bitrate, vbr = variable bitrate,
ID3 tag: "info sector" in mp3 files about title, artist year ...
not all player can play all setting types
@ duracell, thanks did ´know that though but one thing I didnt think of when I was buing my standalone was checking all these things up first( yeak) to see if it was capable of playing mp3´s with vbr or just cbr and with/without ID3 tags.Was looking in to other things with this standalone so I just forgot to check it up, Thanks for your reply though!