Problems Backing up DVD's


New member
I am having problems getting my DVD collection backed up to a playable format. The programs I am using DVD DeCrypter Copy it onto my HD and then I am using DVD2One to extract just the movie parts out. This is were I get into Problems I have all these files. IFO, VOB, and BUP files.
I used Roxio 5 and made a DVD but it didnt work in my DVD player. So if anyone has any suggestions could you please help me out..

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Just a tip <> I dont let Roxio Sh*te in my house never mind on My PC
The guide by laz indicated by PC Guy is fine but U could also Burn with Nero or Record Now Max .

Just ensure all the files from DVD2One are in a folder named VIDEO_TS & burn this with an empty Folder named AUDIO_TS to your DVDR :)