Problem with TMPGEnc

I'm trying to make an VCD from an AVI file, following Chickenman's tutorial (as always) with TMPEnc.
Strangely I get only about 7 minutes of film - the rest is a black image, with the audio OK !!
Of course, the avi plays perfectly.
Any suggestion will be appreciated
Probably not quite the right codec is decoding the AVI. Do you have DivX 5.02. & 3.11 codec installed together with Xvid codec? Remove Nimo pack if you have it installed. Defrag your HD also can help.


Also, forgive me if you have mentioned it before CM :D , I've just been put onto a great little FREE proggie called.....wait for it...."G-Spot" which will tell you which codecs you need, what exact type of Avi etc, etc. I've only just downloaded it myself so cannot comment on how good or bad it is yet, I'm led to believe it is a must have soft though. :)
GSpot is fantastic mate, I cant live without. A must for everyone playing with AVI's as it tells you exactly what codec was used to make the AVI in the first place and if you have then installed on your system.

Your right I should have mentioned to use it, its just getting late here :D
No luck so far :(
I uninstalled the codecs as CM suggested, found (with that the avi is encoded with xvid, downloaded last release and tried again, with the same result: 7 minutes video + audio, rest audio + black image. Only this time TMPGEnc had an error "Invalid pointer"
You need to get the Xvid codec from , the one at the top

Latest binary:
XviD-04102002-1.exe (411kb)

Just install it to same place as the other and it will just over write it.

Try ripping out the audio with VirtualDUB (see the AVI to VCD tutorial, second post). Failing all that the AVI may just be faulty (from a currupted download), DivFix can find many faults (but not all) so get it to check the file out.