Nero RegistryChecker
If the CD drives are not visable anymore after installing a software supporting CD recorders, there might be a problem with the CD drivers. The Nero Registry Checker is checking the installation of the drivers and correct them, if necessary.
ASPI is 4.60. Used both duracells thing (and lost my Nero !Laz said:Are your drives still showing up as working in "Device Manager" Phil?
Even with the latest PX engine update some newer drives will not fully function proberly with RNM, the 52X LiteOn being one of them as it will only burn at "max.,med,min" but they should still show up on the LHS of the GUI, also is your ASPI layer shown as being OK too?
mega sorry Phil KPhil K said:ASPI is 4.60. Used both duracells thing (and lost my Nero !and the prassi engine with no change in record now. Still saying I have no cdrw. (But still listing it)
No problem mate. Just have to re-install it. No damage done.Duracell said:mega sorry Phil K, something really stupid was happened, i had tried to link to Nero's Registry Checker (same like woody's attachment); but now as i rechecked the download link the target was _; this is the Nero registry cleaner; now the only way to get Nero working is reinstalling;
so your to do list should be:
1. reinstalling Nero
2. run Nero's Registry Checker
3. run PXengine update again
please accept my apology