Problem With Netscape 7.02

Hi All

The problem is i usually have netscape mail running & the open the netscape browser 2 have a surf etc.But when i close the above progs, they seem 2 stay in memory & are still listed In ZonealarmPro as being connected & listening 2 ports.

Then when i try 2 run them again, nothing happens, & when i do the 3 fingered salute(ctrl+alt+del) i then have 2 end task netscp 3 times to get the end task box.

Now i checked 4 viruses, clear, firewall workin ok(but then again it is zonealarm with this new web filtering stuff(i switch it all off)

Just wondered if any 1 else had the same prob

Cheer's in advance for any info


Ps also just noticed if i close the mail prog when the browser running, guess what , it hangs & i have 2 end task it :confused:
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Disable Zone Alarm and then launch Netscape. I have heard of and experienced conflicts while running Zone Alarm. Lots of hangs and prog's totally locked up. Try Sygate instead. Better product and allows control over dll's too. What else do you have running in the background?
Cheers 4 the reply

I only got NAV2002 running in background

I think it only been happening with the latest 2 updates(ie3.7.148 & .159)

I thought it might have something 2 do with the new Web Filtering crap in it, cause it never done it before.

Does'nt do it when i restart the box, only if it been running, then closed, then try 2 reopen it.That when it happens

Pity cause i really like it & find it a lot better than MS attempts.But it doin it all the time so i been using Opera, but i think i might give sygate a try



Just tried 2 submit this & now it givin me all the login crap again

Grrrrr.It was workin great for 3 days then BOOM:(
I found that the perfect combination for me it's to use ZoneAlarm Pro 2.6.362 in combination with SpyBlocker 6.2 (it filters all the spyware with a HOST file through port 80) instead of ZoneAlarm 3 with Web Filtering.
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NAV 2003 PRO has fixed many compatibility problems. I haven't had any problems since I installed it. Might want to upgrade. Zone Alarm phones home too. Just one more reason to give it up. Sygate has worked wonderfully. I'm behind a firewall/router and it locks down all unauthorized outgoing traffic. You would be surprised at how much shit tries to call Microsoft. Fucked up part is that if you block it some prog's don't work. At least you can set it to ask permission. That way you know what's going on.
Cheer's 4 all the advice folk's

Just wish zonelabs would stick 2 making firewalls instead of adding uselees padding

Only prob i ever had with NAV was the live update virus defs seem 2 be a few days behind the downloadable ones on symantec's site

But me will give Sygate another try, is there an easy way to set it up.That was what i liked about ZA was it was by default set 2 max protection

But me think me got NAv2003 lying about somewhere, tried it before, but it seemed 2 load a lot of cc stuff at startup & me only got a slow box:(

Will try out the suggestions though


Do not install NAV 2003 unless You have at least 256mb of ram. 512 preffered, depending on the OS. NAV 2003 is a resource hog.
As far as Sygate. it's worth the time to go through the settings to tweak it out the way you want.
mmmm me only got 192Mb, but me think the 2202 version is a bit of a resource hog 2

Me got Sygate & will set it up 2moro

Any quick tips U know id appreciate them

Cheers again


Thanks Nunyobiznes i really appreciate all the help:)
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Enabling dll authentication is a good feature but be prepaired to be shocked by the sheer volume that comes from ads and banners and even pop-ups. Sites that you visit often will be learned if you enable the auto known dll feature. If you have a LAN make sure that both Network Neighborhood settings are checked. If you have multi users on your pc I would advise setting the password.

FOX - GRC is in bed with Zone Alarm. I can't remember where I read the article. Do a search and you'll find it on Google. Beside their port scanner shows that your http port is open regardless of whether you have a firewall or not. That's deception. Your http port is going to be open if your browsing the web. They say that it's a major security risk and that you should download and try their products. I would recomend Sygate's online scanner or's scanner.
Cheers Fox Mulder & Nunyobiznes

I knew about Steve Gibson site & check it our regularly, but did'nt know about the privacy site.Thanks

I will try Sygate out, but me just gotta nip out 4 a short while.The last time i tried it, i disabled ZAP from loading anything at startup & tried using Sygate, it seemed 2 work ok, but the hack attempt counter never moved from 0, so me think me uninstall ZAP & try it again

Thanks for the scanner links
