Problem with my combo LTR 48161H

Problem with my combo LTC 48161H

Well, the burner part runs fine, it's the dvd feature that doesn't work. It can't read any dvd.

I placed the drive as "MASTER" on the secondary IDE, as told in the documentation. There is another dvd-rom drive as slave, which works fine (It was the former master). It is not a MPEG2 decoder issue, since PoweDVD was already installed on the system.

Another troubling fact: I can't set the dvd region (in the device manager, properties of the drive). Once i've chosen a country, and clicked OK, WIndows (XP Pro) says something like "the region cannot be set, check if there is a media matching the choosen region in the drive and try again". It may not be the exact message that one may get on a Windows in english language, I translated it from french . Anyway there was a dvd in the drive each time I tried to set the region.

Anyway, reading and buning CDR works fine...

Is it a driver issue ? Since there is usually no need to install other drivers than those bundled with WinXP, I doubt it... but you would tell me if it was the case, huh ?
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Stupid question

Er, Did I broke any of the rules of this forum ? I searched the archives before I posted to see if this issue had been raised before and found nothing :( ...

Well I guess you're all still in holydays...
Sorry mate, yesterday i read your posting and had no idea, today still the same;
maybe you should email LiteOn support and check their FAQ's;

and yes you are right, you don't have to install additional drivers; XP is native able to handle DVD drives and DVD burners;

Did you installed a "region free" tool or AnyDVD what cause your problem?

Greetings from
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Duracell said:
Did you installed a "region free" tool or AnyDVD what cause your problem?
Nope. But since I thought it could come from the region settings, I downloaded one an d installed it. Works fine with the dvd rom player on the secondary slave... The master has not the region set yet. So the problem comes from that. But since it didn't change anything to my problem I unistalled the program. (Region DVD free)

Hey you won't believe this: I tried several times to install/uninstall the combo in the device manager, but the problem was still there. This time, while writing this reply I uninstalled all drives on the secondary channel and unistalled the secondary ide channel controller... Guess what, I could set the region and the counter indeed decreased!

*runs to da dvd shelf*
*prevents da keyboard from fallin'*
*puts the round thingie in da tray thingie*
*led blinking for damn too long*
*still can't read dvd*
*looking for something to bite hard*
*er, those things at the end of my hands could be useful, I type with them, no yummy*

Forget it... Anyway, the region is set now. Well, I'll reboot and seewhat happens.
And thanks for answering

One last thing: I flashed the firmware with KH0M, the last one (found it following links, it is not ytet on the official website). But it didn't change anything concerning DVD drives. I wonder if there is a way to flash the region chip (it's different from the burner flash rom, right ?) .

Well, see ya

GoJita, should stop reading little gamers
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One last tiny HUGE detail : my motherboard is an Elite K7S5A (okay, okay, it sucks, i know, don't flame... too much). Since I installed the combo, a new device appeared: SM Bus controller. Of course, no drivers installed on the system. A search on the web indicate that it is somehow linked to the motherboard. Problem: I have already installed all the drivers related to the motherboard, according to ECS website and various forums and when the combo is not plugged, this device disappears. Incompatibility ? I'll lurk deeper into K7S5A related forum, who knows ?

GoJiTa against the machine, episode III

PS: *already called the reseller, will have another combo by saturday*
*If it doesn't work the second time, i'll buy a NF7S rev 2.0 next month*
*Yes, I know, no one cares :p*
Above, readers can enjoy an example of french self pity... pathetic, huh ?
sorry to hear it isn't really solved; :(

GoJiTa972 said:
a new device appeared: SM Bus controller.
and about "SM Bus controller" i don't know, surely Sado/Maso isn't meant;

you could try your combo drive in a mates PC; so you will see it's incompatibility with your SIS chipset or not;

you could also try to install latest SIS chipset/IDE drivers
or uninstall the SIS IDE driver and try the native XP/M$ IDE Busmaster driver instead;
Already tried that :(...

... with no success!

Anyway, SMbus controller is related to ACPI, it's normally included with the motherboard drivers. Well. The problem is, my mates aren't back from vacation yet... But the guy at the store said he would test the device before the exchange. I hope he won't try to flash the latest firmware because I found this one:

Kh0M, which doesn't seem official. I had tried the official KH0K before, downloaded at

The thing is, I would like to come back to an official firmware before going to the store. But I can't find any previous firmware in a format that mtkWin flash could use. Any idea ? I found some tools that could convert Lite-on's *.exe in *.bin, but the firmware of my drive are of course not supported.

I hope that the guy at the store won't be that smart...

GoJiTa, should find a cool signature
this is a bad situation, you should think about a roll back before flashing unofficial/hacked firmware;
personally i don't know a solution to compile LiteOn's exe back to the real firmware file;
one solution is still hoping nobody checks the firmware version;

ONE Binary for it (other than latest) KH0D - you may be able to use that to backstep it, and then come forward to the appropriate Windows loaded version - but it might be better not to start, as if it goes down during that tweakery, then you really are deep in the brown stuff!

LTR12101B said:

ONE Binary for it (other than latest) KH0D - you may be able to use that to backstep it, and then come forward to the appropriate Windows loaded version - but it might be better not to start, as if it goes down during that tweakery, then you really are deep in the brown stuff!

Thanks, back to normal... I'll tell you what happened at the store by Monday... If the drive runs properly over there, I'll throw that ¤£*µ K7S5A mainboard by the window...

Thanks again...

Well, next time I'll be more cautious !!!
Welll guys, guess what

Argh, the guy at the store didn't even test the combo... One of the techies listened to my story, wrote hastily "cannot read CDs" on a memo (no testing, nada, rien, zip, nandemonai) and sent me to see the boss who gave me a SAMSUNG SM-352 instead. They KNEW this flaw, and sold me a Lite On anyway. When I read what the tech guy wrote on the memo, I repeated him that it was a dvd issue, he waved his hand and told me to see the manager with his note.

The Samsung works fine ^_^. It can read my "Blood the Last Vampire" DVD that my Artec drive can't read.

Okay, thanks for all your help guys, and see ya soon

GoJiTa, qui va signer en français pour rigoler. Comment ça, "non" ?

PS: forgive the lousy english


New member
I have the same burner/dvd and works fine even with dvd's, have you tried to upgrade the firmware???? last version is KH0N. Is your ASPI driver ok?

greetz mausje
I had a exactly(almost)same problem like you..It was a combo lg 48x speed......Couldnt burn for a month........Had that yellow sign for sm bus controller-like it needed drivers...but even when properly should says-device drivers needed??Found a sm controller drivers...installed..never problems again...Try that....That was on p4 533 bus intel board :cool: :D
zver said:
I had a exactly(almost)same problem like you..It was a combo lg 48x speed......Couldnt burn for a month........Had that yellow sign for sm bus controller-like it needed drivers...but even when properly should says-device drivers needed??Found a sm controller drivers...installed..never problems again...Try that....That was on p4 533 bus intel board :cool: :D
Okay, the problem is... er, WAS that this SM device appeared only when the Combo was plugged... Anyway, I bought a new mobo (NF7-S rev 2.0) and I own a Samsung Combo, and so far, so gooOOoOOooOOoOOoood (well, "Bruce Almighty" released across Europe this month, just saw it, sorry :))

Next step: S-ATA !!!! Er, ok, I know the path -> []

See ya