Problem with missing audio


New member
Hi all,

I've successfully stripped several DVDs but I've found a problematic one.

When I use DVDStripper to extract it, the soundtrack of the special feature is missing all audio.

Note: this is even before any processing is done. Just immediately after dvd decrypter is done.

If I manually use dvd decrypter on the DVD (in file mode) the sound is intact.

Anyone have this DVD they can try it?

I have the region 1


New member
Sorry for bumping this, it went to the 2nd page.

There was someone in AIM chat that mentioned they had this DVD and they might be able to try it out.

I cant remember your name, and I dont know how to get back in that AIM chat!


I don't have a solution, but a similar problem occurs on another DVD.
The "making of" (sorta...) audio cannot be ripped, no matter what. I know because it happened to me. Unfortunately, I don't have the DVD anymore (never loan to friends that are about to move...:) )so I cannot confirm it with DVDStripper, as it was in the old days of DVDMaestro that I backed it up.
But I thought that the principle would be the same


New member
There is no audio when playing back in stripper. Just to see if it was stripper, I I used stripper to decrypt the DVD to the hard drive, then made no modifications, just processed and there was no audio when playing back with any dvd software.

I then used dvddecrypter manually in file mode and the audio was fine.

The audio is being removed somewhere in the dvddecrypter phase of DVDstripper.
tomaste said:
Hi all,

I've successfully stripped several DVDs but I've found a problematic one.

When I use DVDStripper to extract it, the soundtrack of the special feature is missing all audio.

Note: this is even before any processing is done. Just immediately after dvd decrypter is done.

If I manually use dvd decrypter on the DVD (in file mode) the sound is intact.

Anyone have this DVD they can try it?
I have this edition and will try to check it out tonight or tomorrow, time permitting. I would of responded eariler but had been spending too much time figuring out how to make Stripper work. I finally got it right and processed my first disc with it last night. All came out perfect!!

Thanks for a great piece of software Mad and MacKemX!!



Sorry for the delay, Toma. That was me that said it in the chat room. I have it as well. I will be checking it tonite or tomorrow and let you know as soon as possible.
tomaste said:

Cant wait to see what you all come up with.
Sorry to say my disc is not the same edition, it's the DTS edition and as such the sound options are not the same in extras nor main movie..
