Problem with External Firewire + Liteon 52x


New member
I picked up a Liteon 52x drive a few months back to do some recording of audio mixes I'm making myself using Sonic Foundry's CD Architect. Now, the process was working fine up until 3 weeks ago when coaster after coaster began to occur. This error is repeatable consistently as follows:

* Select the drive to burn from -> Liteon external
* Click Burn
* Erase CD-RW if that is the media (has been during this testing)
* Burn lead-in
* finish lead-in, red burn light still on, 20 seconds later I get this error:

The drive is not ready

with further details of:

'ATAPI MMC Compatible'-(0)
'USB/1394 Devices'-(2)
-'LITE-ON LTR-52246S 6S0F'-(1)
Module atapimmc.cpp Line 1353
The command was aborted.
The drive is not ready for an unknown reason.

Status: 00020202
Command: 2a 00 ff ff ff 6a 00 00 1a 00
Sense: 0b 04 00
Info: 00 00 00 00
Specific: 80 ed 00
Extra: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Now, further testing included taking the whole external assembly to a friends place. He plugged it in via his firewire interface and it worked fine. I brought it back home, plugged it in and it worked fine again. Next morning, the problem has returned. I pulled apart the case and tried a DVD drive in there and it read fine. Put the CD-RW back in, worked fine. Next day, errors again.

I get the feeling it's a dry solder somewhere in the external drive bay but is it common for that to become apparent after a few months or could it be something else.

When playing normal audio CD's through the drive it seems to stutter. By stutter I mean it plays fine but every so often it will pause for a split second and then continue playing. Happens intermittently through a song no matter which section of the CD nor what kind of CD it is.

The external firewire casing is a NewMotion Technology Corp 945-11 IEEE 1394 SBP2 Device.

Any ideas folks?

Thanks in advance.
Before taking back your drive I would reinstall your drivers or update them for your IEEE 1394.
You can obtain firewwire drivers from Bill gates site...
Added note did you Take your own F/W cable at your friends when testing?
If not it could wel B a problem with your F/W cable.