problem with directX 8.1

Got a problem with directx new version 8.1 (ati reccomended) after installing. When testing 3d, DX comes up error for directx 8 interfaces :-

/"Direct3D test results: Failure at step 5 (GetDeviceCaps): HRESULT = 0x8876086a (3D not available)"/


"DirectX Files Tab: Several files (mciqtz.drv, quartz.vxd) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems. You should reinstall DirectX to get the latest version."

I cannot find new versions of these files. I have tried so far disable/enabling, removed local net ware and reinstalled DX. Could someone please help. thanks jkat :cool: peace
System Information
Time of this report: 6/19/2002, 02:48:48
Machine name: P2D8Y5
Operating System: /Microsoft Windows 98 (4.10, Build 1998)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer:
System Model:
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG
Processor: Intel Pentium III, ~450MHz
Memory: 256MB RAM
Page File: 51MB used, 1741MB available
Primary File System: FAT32
DirectX Version: DirectX 8.1 (
DX Setup Parameters: /PackageInstall
DxDiag Version: 32bit

Card name: ATI 3D Rage Pro (atir3)
Manufacturer: ATI Technologies
Chip type: Mach64: RagePro

SB Live!value

btw brief history leading up to events- decided to install "medal of honour AA", it asked for new drivers, installed ati recommended ones (it also told me to install DX 8.1), still did not work, went over to /""\ tried other drivers, wrecked windows:eek: , reinstalled windows, reinstalled original ati driver.:cool:
You are IN LUCK!
Round at a friend's, I remembered and collected a nice tweaked driver


The "FD3" version will do the DirectX8.1 (DX8 interface) test.

The alternate driver from ATI


is - the 4.13 designates a Win95/8 (4) directX8 (13) driver.
The tweaked is only 4.12.x - designating a DX7 driver, but DX8 support seems to be acceptable, since the card is certainly not DX8 hardware.

Try both, good luck!

Wow thanks LTR12101B! Ill give em a try (I think!). Still trying to tweak everything back at the moment.:D Had a harddrive die on me just previous to little gremlin. (when I reinstalled windows it asked for key as usual but had lost it:eek: :eek: but managed eventually after ransacking house, ringin freinds and prayin!):D I'm still not so sure about running MOHAA AGAIN! (its an old card):D, Ill download immediately (it just bugs when something ain't workin quite right):cool: hope I can return help. jkat:)
Hope it helps - I was fixing up a Deskpro EN for a friend, and it had the same kind of card.

I'll add a quick Directx video driver reference guide.

If they comply with the usual numbering.

4.x is a Win9x driver
5.x is a Win2000 driver
6.x is a WinXP driver

x.13 = Directx8 (&8.1)
x.12 = DirectX7
x.11 = DirectX6
x.10 = DirectX5

The numbers after those two are "private" driver revisions

A driver should be used, at a minimum, with its matching DirectX version as it may be dependent on it.
While a higher DirectX version can be used with most drivers, some features may be software emulated, unavailable, or simply fail.
Equally, the existence of "Directx8" drivers for some really old cards, does not turn them into DX8 wonders! - the best that can be achieved is the most "DX8 friendly" use of the available hardware.

thanks LTR12101B! now I understand. Have got new drivers now, but catching up with some work:rolleyes: before footy tomorrow, so have not tried install yet. jkat:D