For ages now I've had problems burning the same image t multiple burners. I've swapped drives over to every concievable combination but still have problems.
The drives both write the data 100% one will stop as it should whilst the other one will burn to the outer edge of the disc then crash the machine.
I have a Abit KG7-R mobo and a Raid PCI card. I also have a USB 2 card and an external 40x Liteon USB2 burner. I have 2 x 40/12/48 Liteons a Couple of Pioneer A04 and a Panasonic DVD drive and 3 HD's.
The Raid channels on the motherboard (onboard) dont seem to like the optical drives attached so all CD/DVD drives are connected to either Primary/Secondary IDE Chans or the PCI Raid Card or USB 2 card. I've swapped all drives and also tried all configuarations of different/Same burners and at all speeds. I've took em all out and added em back 1 by 1 in different locations, I've exhauster every option as far as combinations go so I'm at a loss. Individually they all work 100% but multiple burners seems to be unatainable.
I am running XP Pro and it's the same thing in Disc Juggler and Nero.
Anybody got any ideas please?
All advice mo matter how small is appreciated
The drives both write the data 100% one will stop as it should whilst the other one will burn to the outer edge of the disc then crash the machine.
I have a Abit KG7-R mobo and a Raid PCI card. I also have a USB 2 card and an external 40x Liteon USB2 burner. I have 2 x 40/12/48 Liteons a Couple of Pioneer A04 and a Panasonic DVD drive and 3 HD's.
The Raid channels on the motherboard (onboard) dont seem to like the optical drives attached so all CD/DVD drives are connected to either Primary/Secondary IDE Chans or the PCI Raid Card or USB 2 card. I've swapped all drives and also tried all configuarations of different/Same burners and at all speeds. I've took em all out and added em back 1 by 1 in different locations, I've exhauster every option as far as combinations go so I'm at a loss. Individually they all work 100% but multiple burners seems to be unatainable.
I am running XP Pro and it's the same thing in Disc Juggler and Nero.
Anybody got any ideas please?
All advice mo matter how small is appreciated