problem tmpgenc2.5

jord 007

im converting films in tmpgenc it converts them and when i watch them on pc theres no sound on any of them
has any body got any ideas

jord 007

ive checked with gspot it says ive got 3 compatible codecs for the video and 2 compatible codecs for the audio tmpgenc just wont do avi or divx films it ill do the svcd and the vcd but not them has anyone got any ideas

do you have DIVX codec and XVID codec installed along with AC3 codec !?

try installing the above mentioned and see if that helps :)

jord 007

ive just installed divx 5.1 and the xvid codec ive got it to come out with picture in tmpgenc 2.5 but theres no sound do you think its because of the ac3 codec which i havent got
Can you post here what GSPOT says about the Audio. TMPGenc can't handle AC-3 nor VBR MP3 audio and these are now quite common. Post what GSPOT says and we will go from there.

jord 007

gspot says bitrate 66/ch stereo vbr lame 3.90 fs48000hz is that enough thats just of the audio when i put the avis into virtualdub mod improper vbr detected