Problem reading my RW burns.


New member
so I'm trying to burn a 30 meg cd on a RW and when I stick it back into the drive 10 seconds after it burnt it doesn't read the disc, or it reads it but all the big files (10 meg ones) aren't read, but the smaller ones
using Nero, trying blind write tonight....
any help would be great!
More likely the drive and media - I've pretty well given up on RW, as I've never had particularly stable results with it - and picked up more media that doesn't work well (or at all) in my drive, than that does.

Small files are more likely to miss an error - you need to compare several megabytes of small files, with one large.

Worst of the worst, for me and many others, is Memorex CD-RW - and it seems that ALL speeds from 1-4x, 4-10x (HS) and 16-24x (Ultra) have been poorly matched to most drives.