Problem burning w/ Nero.. file name too long

Hi.. having a small problem... I'm trying to burn some files with Nero and unforutnately what happening is some of the files are too long in characters that the software is trying to rename the files so it can burn....

Nero Message:

"The following Joliet files or folder had to be renamed to make them compatible with the CD file system"

This is something I don't want to occur... Is there anyway to keep the filename intact and say burn files over 75 characters in length??



Need some help fast ... thanx...
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Sorry could you be a little more descriptive about what you mean?
I'm don't understand what you suggested... ISO tab under cd wizard I've played around w/ but can't get it to work... NTI cdmaker?? Record max?? not familiar with those.. are they options or different programs...
pokopiko said:
The only solution is using Romeo filesystem (up to 128 characters), NTI CD maker and CD mate can handle that. Nero can't (neither RecordNowMax can).
Unfortunately, I just wasted 3 cds and searching the internet for the past 5 hours reading among many sites including h**p:// and came to the same conclusion... Basically ISO 9660 level 2 only allowed for 31 character filenames, but 255 character paths.... go figure.. :mad: Joliet only allows for 64 characters... :mad: ... Was hoping for a file structure that was widespread incase romeo becomes even more phased out over time and can't be recognized... At least 95/NT/XP will read it.. Going to use Romeo for now and hope something better will come out over time that becomes the standard...

Thanks pokopiko, Joripe, and Raistlin2000 for your replies.. ;)

BTW: between CD Mate and NTI cd maker which is the better program... Downloaded NTI already and gave nero the boot... just curious which program is better out of the two... thanx again


Rename the file chocco, not that hard... ;) And stick with Nero :D

Lakeside said:
Rename the file chocco, not that hard... ;) And stick with Nero :D

Some files you don't want to rename for "integrity" .... especially if you're keeping an archive... if I was just making an mp3 cd to listen to in my vehicle I could really care less what I name the track as long as it plays correctly.... So no ... I'm not renaming the file if I can... :D


Nothin' wrong with that chocco. Take poko's advice and remove Nero and install NTI CD Maker Pro 2002 :D

That's why I burnt all my 70 MP3-CDs :p with WinOnCD & not with Nero!

BTW, If you don't want to use WinOnCD, stick with NTI CD Maker (although the interface is not so nice as in WinOnCD), because CDMate's cloning-engine isn't hals as good as the one in CloneCD.

Greetings from Vienna
I am not real shure about this because i havent used nero that much but i think i remember in the iso section a relaxed setting that will let you use up to 255 characters in file names the only problem is i think DOS or windows 3.1 isnt able to read these files.:(
The only solution is using Romeo filesystem (up to 128 characters), NTI CD maker and CD mate can handle that. Nero can't (neither RecordNowMax can).
Well, Romeo is outdated, RecordNow Max supports something really better, called Iso 2 Long, offering 212 characters.

Moreover this iso can handle mutated vowals like ä,ö,ü etc.
Romeo cannot, for example ü becomes ³.

So, if you like really long names, I suggest to use Record Now Max.

But since Mp3s have tags for archiving, I changed now from WinOnCD 5 back to Nero because using UDF in Nero I can set the order of folder!!

For example "Sonata Nr. 93" can be before "Sonata Nr. 356", every other burning tool I tried (incl REcordNowMax) sorts them alphabetically, so that 356 is before 93 :(, on Harddisk on the other hard it's sorted like I want (93 before 356)

I set Nero to UDF / ISO Level 2 / ISO 9660 Characters.
So the iso gets same order as UDF, necessary because my MP3-Discman Expanium can only read ISO and using another ISO settings would result in alphabetical order again (only for ISO)

Moreover I disabled Joliet, since I can't change it's behavior to sort by alphabet, but due to UDF I don't need Joliet.;)

I think this is the best solution to burn MP3s for archiving, since I can arrange the albums logically, so 93 before 356. And the information about the files is written into ID3V2-tags, and archieved in Media Jukebox Plus 8.0.356, so I can always check, on which CD song XY is stored :)

Hope this helps to solve all problems with archiving of mp3s.
Just found out that this sorting of files in Nero works not 100%.
(more than 9 folders with same name + number result in complete disorder in ISO, not same order as in UDF!)

So I'm now looking for a tool that support ISO 2+ like RecordNowMax offering 212 characters.

My lovely old WinOnCD offers 128 letters in NT-ISO, but cuts off at 64 characters for Joliet-Compatibility even if Joliet is disabled!:mad: REALLY BAD, FIRST BUG FOR ME IN WINONCD.

Anybody knows a tool supporting ISO 2+ (besides RecordNowMax, interface of RNM is not so nice, even no way to create folders or!!) ?

Or a way to correct mentioned WinOnCD-bug?? Is perhaps a mistake in my settings? I'm running 5.02.826, I think latest release.

Thanks for any help