problem burning dvd games


New member
I backed up my copy of wrath unleashed and when I reburned it and tried to play it, it came up with no color and the screen was rotating vertically. I burned it at 2x. I have a no solder v4 mod chip with swap magic 2.0 dvd version and was wondering if their is software available that will let me burn dvd's at 1x. I have Nero, cdrwin, alcohol ...and they all let me burn at either 2x or 4x. Any help is appreciated.
I use DvD decryptor with ritek g04's dvd-r and i burn at x4 never had a coaster. Give Decryptor ago.

oh and what media are you using?
I Hate To Say This...

But Memorex Is Possibly The Worst Media For PS2. I Used A Store Name Brand And It Worked Better Than Memorex. Memorex Didn't Work For Me Yet. But Now I Need To Get Even Better Media. I Suggest Either Ritek or Verbatim, From What I Hear
rolling screen and no color usually signifies that its the wrong region for your tv set i.e. PAL on NTSC or NTSC on PAL to fix this use a fully wired SCART/PERITEL playstation lead so it will FORCE the TV's mode from one to the other 50hz to 60hz or 60hz to 50hz :)