Printer ink


New member
I`m using a Lexmark X5150 printer, and it seems to use a lot of colour cartridges. anybody got any tips so I can get more copies? - can you refill?

On printers with the head integrated into the cartridge, the "compatibles" are normally refilled/remade anyway.

There is also (though I'm highly suspicious of the claims) -
It supposedly reduces the inking, without too serious a loss in quality until you hit large saving levels - now I would agree that most printers seriously overdo something like solid black, but that is a defect we should be pressing the makers to fix in the drivers.


New member
Thinkin` about that one

Thank`s for your quick reply, I have been reading about inksaver V2, like you ,is it just a gimmick. I have been searching to see if I can get it for nothin`no luck yet :mad: Once again thanks :)
The only "economical" solution is using a printer with independent color ink modules, and not just a 3-ink and a black one.
Canon printers come easily to mind.
It gets some good reviews - but if you can hold back 25% ink without losing quality, we should be hammering on the doors of the printer makers.

I think the answer is that Inksaver CAN work, but just how much saving it makes depends on if you want a small saving with still good quality, or to get down to deeper savings? - If you can get away with refilling, the break even point will be pushed a lot further back.

JR often feature on QVC - Friday Midnight is usually technology (if it's not Gem week or something!) and if it's the TSV, you get plenty of demonstration.

Serif had something bundled with Inksaver on a flyer a while back, but I think it was only V1 - I also saw V1 on a £6.00 computer fair CD - full version, fully legit (they don't warez at my local fair, just like we don't warez here)


New member
Inksaver V2

Got hold of inksaver V2 :cool: , I have copied a couple of DVD covers at a reduced rate of 30%, the copies are very good probably get away with as much as 40
% and not notice any real difference. This could be a good investment to reduce the cost of over priced cartridges :) Keep you posted on progress.