Prassi PrimoDVD 2.0.829 no go with Pioneer 106 DVD writer

Hi guys

Prassi PrimoDVD 2.0.829 does not see my Pioneer 106 DVD wirter, how can i get it to find it.

it can find my Lite-on 52x24x52 with no problem.

Big thanks in advance for any help.
PXEngine 507 may be required - and SONIC, the current final resting place of the wandering Prassi-engined products, now require you to register.
I verified prescence, but not authenticity, of this search-engined link - you should virus-scan downloads, especially if from unverifiable sources

It's the RecordNow update from NU - so I think it can be marked safe - not sure if it got any higher before the Sonic clampdown.
just tryed the PXEngine 507 still no luck at all :( bummer

thanks for the help does any one else have any idears

big thanks for any help
I use RecordNowMax another derivative of ths s/ware 106 is recognised

Just in case U havent done this since the update <> uninstall the 106 in device manager <> reboot see if it finds it now.
Latest PXengine updates do not work with PrimoDVD... don't know why.
As said before, RecordNow DX/MAX does accept the latest pxengine updates, and does everything PrimoDVD can do- plus some more...
Yeah and I can't get Office XP to work with windows 3.1.

Prassi is simply too old. As said use Record Now, it is based on the same engine, but is still being updated.