powerdvd error

Everytime that i start a dvd in powerdvd i keep getting a error that says "dvd error code: 8901000f" and just says that an internal error has occurred. I have trying to uninstalling it and reinstalling but i keep getting the same error. Thanks for your help

Check you DMA mode, it may PowerDVD made a change on your OS. Some PC mainboard may not support DMA Mode.:( If still happened, try the WinDVD 3.0 or 4plus. Is very good DVD softplayer in town.;)
I have had this program on for quite some time before it started going nuts. I know its not the DMA because i have had it on since i built my machine and power dvd didn't act up untill two months later. My comp list is...

Abit kg7-raid mother board
10 and 40 gig western digital hard drive
1800 XP athlon amd
512mb 2100 ddr
geforce 4 ti 4600
creative labs sound blaster audigy gamer
pioneer dvd drive
plextor 40/12/40A cdrw
windows xp

i reinstalled window today, so i hope that this will finally stop. Thanks for everyones help and hope to hear from you some more.
