The CPU fan is plugged into the CPU fan point, I presume, anmd not into one of the others - as seeing no CPU fan, may be a lockdown.
The dead PSU make me very suspicious though, Are there any motherboard mounts unaccounted for, that could be shorting, though if the PSU shorted, I think the signs would be obvious.
Make sure that the case speaker is connected, or if there is neither a case speaker nor an onboard beeper, bodging up one is essential - I'd never be without the ability to hear a beep code, even though some people disconnect the case speaker to silence the startup beep.
First PSU dead, now with that replaced, the system is still dead... coincidence?
Did the PSU kill the motherboard or CPU?
Did the motherboard kill the PSU?
Power does not need to run for long enough to see - if the first PSU was the culprit, it could fry itself and the motherboard without a flicker.
If you bought all the parts from the same place, then this is something I'd be trying to lay at their door.