Power DVD will not open Features

I d/l Power DVD 4 XP and have a problem. I have not been able to open any Computer features. DVD plays fine on Standalone dvd player and Computer. But when I try to access the Bonus dvd-rom (PC) features, nothing happens. It has the screen telling me about the features, but there is nothing to click on, other than BONUS, to go there. BONUS just takes me back to the menu.

Also, I run XP Pro and it opens twice...do I need an upgrade to the full 4.0 I installed?

possibly, or sometimes there was a feature missing from the PowerDVD you downloaded, or it didn't install properly. Try uninstalling it & trying again. Otherwise try installing a different version of PowerDVD & see if it works.
Can get one that works fine for myself at:

good luck
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shadoe_phantom said:
possibly, or sometimes there was a feature missing from the PowerDVD you downloaded, or it didn't install properly. Try uninstalling it & trying again. Otherwise try installing a different version of PowerDVD & see if it works.
Can get one that works fine for myself at:

good luck
Thanks. I had the FOSI and cdrsoft 35MB version. I found that the Spy Game DVD is at fault!!

I opened it in a filemanager...like a cd! Guess what...there is an autorun.inf on there! It wants to install a version of windvd! This is not an option if you want to then use the special features!! I tried it and it worked...but only with that version of windvd! There must be a tie in!

Only other issue is that Power DVD opens 2 times on task bar and XP complains. It works, but do not remember it opening 2 times before.

I may uninstall and re install, as you said.
I gave up on PowerDVD years ago, always to fickled to install and run. WinDVD works EVERY time and gives a better quality playback anyway.
ChickenMan said:
I gave up on PowerDVD years ago, always to fickled to install and run. WinDVD works EVERY time and gives a better quality playback anyway.
Will WinDVD let you capture frames, etc?

I guess I will have to look for latest...full windvd. I wonder which version installed from the Spy Game dvd?
ChickenMan said:
I gave up on PowerDVD years ago, always to fickled to install and run. WinDVD works EVERY time and gives a better quality playback anyway.
Well, I just discovered that the program "Spy Game" installs is InterActual. It is NOT InterVideo's WinDVD. This is a 3rd app that must be installed. The others will not open the extras. I may keep it and install windvd and delete powerdvd!