Pm 8 & Scsi

this past weakend I bought a copy of Partition Magic 8. I lioove the fact that I can boot from the cd. The is only one problem, I have an old system with a SCSI from before the days of burnproof. PM8 doesn't support SCSI, what I would like to do is to make a back-up copy and add SCSI support. How would I do this.:confused:


If you just mean that you need to boot from a CD with a boot floppy image of PM8 to access a SCSI HD, then you can make a custom boot floppy 2.88mb image, add the PM8 DOS files, then add the Win98 recovery floppy SCSI *.sys files, with appropriate config.sys and autoexec.bat entries.

I have successfully put my PM7 and 8 into images this way, booted from CD, and resized Compaq 1U 360 SCSI RAID-5 Array drives with No Problem..

I believe that PM is not a bad program at all. Have had no real issues with it (use it a Lot), but have had many issues with Ghost - mainly with its childish interface, admittedly, however.
