Plextor Premium - a true backup champion!!!!

Plextor Premium drive becomes a true backup champion with 1.03 firmware!
Wednesday, 9 July 2003

...after combined with the latest available BlindWrite Suite. The Premium drive can produce working SecuROM 4.8x.x(+?) backups, without any software emulation method. The backup process is very easy, you must have...
1) A Plextor Premium recorder with 1.03 firmware
2) The latest BlindWrite Suite

a) Create an image with the BlindRead software
b) Create the nessecery bwa file with "Physical CD characteristic dumper" software (use 40X speed)
c) Burn the image with Blindwrite (the burning speed is automatically selected at 4X) and enjoy a perfect backup!!!


"working backups"... So they are just patching the burns with twin sectors?? I along with plenty of other people have been doing this with other drives for ages now. How exactly does it make the drive a "true backup champion"?

In fact more to the point... How come this drive couldn't do this previously?


Not to take the toot out of your horn jasmin, but celtic_druid is right. I have been able to make backups of several SecuRom 4.8x games using the method you describe...... except that I use a 1 year old LiteOn 40x drive and have been able to do it for some time now. ;)
Yep agree & (from what I see on the net) this plex may not be the best they ever did & to me for a lot less bucks liteons seem to be the boyo's
Ok, did some more reading and they aren't using twinsectors. They are actually changing the sector densities somehow using gigarec, which means burn speed is limited to 8X.

Still for the price you could pretty much buy a DVD burner instead.
Yup. Could buy 5 or 6 52x Litey or Asus cdrws for the price of 1 plex premium downunder. Can't see how the plex is any value at all on that basis.
celtic_druid said:
Ok, did some more reading and they aren't using twinsectors. They are actually changing the sector densities somehow using gigarec, which means burn speed is limited to 8X.
Forgot to mention in my last post. For practical purposes it makes little difference if sector densities are being changed using a method other than twinpeak patching. It still ain't gunna work on all devices (but will on most) and you'll still need a separate installation copy (made without alteration of sector densities) if you want to install from virtually any tosh, plex or asus drive.
Copies made on the Plextor should work on pretty much every drive the original will run on though, that is both install and run.

Should probably also experience lower average start times than a copy made with twin sectors.
Also it's audio ripping and burning qualities seem quite impressive.....thought I would never say this:

I was pretty shure that the LiteOn 52X was the last cdr/rw drive I would ever buy... I was wrong,but my wife was right.....:D :p
I have talked with guy from VSO and he said it will work on every cd-rom, but i also read that it will not work on old cd-roms. I still believe in RMPS :D.

Well it is still only one cd-rom, if they can make it for all LiteOns hmm that will be fine ;)
roadworker said:
Also it's audio ripping and burning qualities seem quite impressive.....thought I would never say this:

I was pretty shure that the LiteOn 52X was the last cdr/rw drive I would ever buy... I was wrong,but my wife was right.....:D
Well done, buddy! :cool: I'm HAPPY with my Premium. I made a backup copy of NBA 2003 (Safedisk 2.90) with both CloneCD and BlindWrite 4.5.3. The two copies works just great. I wanna test this drive with a Securom protected disc...

Ripping audio isn't that good; it's way slower than the gorgeous UltraPlex (not tested yet the error capabilities with bad discs).

And BTW your wife knows you better than yourself! :D
nasty mailman said:
And BTW your wife knows you better than yourself! :D
Very true,my friend!Got me 1 this afternoon,will mount it tomorrow (have to go to a Bar-B-Q this evening , lots of beer included :D )

PS:According to cdrinfo,the drive caches audiodata,but the audioripping speed and quality isn't that bad ;)

their conclusion
I did not really need a new CD burner, but may well buy a Plex Premium as well, as it will allow me the luxury getting a free 5.25" drawer in my tower (that is-replacing my 24X Liteon burner as well as the Ultraplex 40 reader), not to mention the free IDE slot after the removal of the Adaptec SCSI caard...
Using firmware 1.03 and EAC secure mode to rip:

CDS 200=no probs
Key2Audio=no probs
Doc.Lock=needs approx. 1 min of TOC reading/checking before the drive recognises the cd,no probs with ripping @ 100% track quality after that..

......a real protection killer......! :D


Gold Member
the same as ever...if you believe that plextor can do a miracle then go for it...i don´t need the premium drive
Master said:
...if you believe that plextor can do a miracle then go for it...
I don't believe that Plextor can do miracles,but I do believe that they had to do something spectacular to get their position back as best selling cdr/rw drive,especially since they lost their "crown" to LiteOn since 24X speed burners came available.... ;)


Gold Member
then go for it´s your money ;)

btw. if you are looking for the top audio protection reader then you have to go for a 12 TSi or a 12/20 TSI plextor scsi cdrom.

I think that you already now that they are a lot better than every 32 or 40 scsi plextor cdrom.

Okay they can not do cd you need cd-text ?
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