Please support this

this is now a pet project of mine (supporting it that is, i have no connection to it)

i dont care if you buy games or not, i think we all agree that they are way too expensive, after all why does a $200million movie cost $15 on a dvd but a $1million (or MUCH less) videogame costs £40-£45, that is the reason behind fairplay, they are organising a petition to pass to the gaming companies regarding their prices and also are asking for everyones help in the "dont buy a game week" (1-8th dec 2002).

Take a trip to h**p:// and have a quick read then sign their petition please and if you can do anything else to help (like posting leaflets or organising some other event) then please do, we need to give these ripping off theiving b@st@rds a hard kick in their wallets.

Remember cheaper game prices would mean more original games and also cheaper rentals (and we all know why rentals are usefull dont we ;))

ABCMan said:
Remember cheaper game prices would mean more original games and also cheaper rentals (and we all know why rentals are usefull dont we ;))

Seperate topic would be needed for that one ;)