Please Help Probs with the cce When encoding

When I use DVD2SVCD and comes to Convert with the cce I get the follow Error

cce encoding failed: Error; Video check-sum is different from that of previous pass
Source Video date or time code may be different
please check video tape or the Information file

Current: check sum=00814cff
previous: check sum=00814c88

I try 5 diferent DVDs and I get the same Error
Iam use win 2000 pro
XP 1600
512 DDR


Sorry but I've never seen nor heard of that error before.

A bit more info please, what version of DVD2SVCD and what version of CCE are you using ? What cracks (if any) have you applied to CCE?
Thanks But I find it Yesterday and Now everything works Like a Charm I just finish my First SVCD with chapters :rolleyes: :D :cool: :)

TRhanks Again Guys for your Time

Regards Storm63