Playback probs

Hi all
I'm using Shrink DVD, Img Tool Burn and Nero to back-up DVD movies but I have found that they will only work in some DVD players. I have got some backups of a mate and found that in Nero info tool the file system is shown as (ISO9660, UDF) while the backups that I have made are shown as (UDF) only. Could this be the cause of my player compatability problem? and if so how can I over come this?
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Hi Poacher
I also thought it was the media so i have tried 3 types, Ritek, Ice and Bulkpaq Qrange all with the same result.
The only common factor that I can find is that my backups are not ISO 19660.
This is a screen shot of Nero info tool.


I'm not a dvd burner user !? but.......would it not seem LOGICAL here that if yer mates using the (ISO9660, UDF) settings in nero when burning that maby perhaps YOU should just make a note of yer mates settings and use those for your own burning settings :confused: :confused:

practice with a DVDRW :)
Hi Viper,
if only it was that simple then it would be LOGICAL but my mate bought his and didn't burn it so I cant get the settings. So I'm still stuck on this one.
hmmmmmmm tough one!?

maby buy DVDRW and test at least you can try as many times as u like for the price of one dvdrw :)
Have you tried copying the working DVD's files to your HD, then starting a new DVD UDF/ISO (NOT Video DVD) project, and dragging in the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders, then burning?
Hi ipdave
When I use DVD Shrink I don't get an AUDIO_TS or VIDEO_TS folder but when I burn a backup with Img Tool Burn the disk does have both but the AUDIO_TS folder is empty. Would this sound correct? and should I put the files made in DVD Shrink into a VIDEO_TS folder and then burn it?
I have found that if I burn the DVD Shrink files with Nero express then the DVD is ISO 9660, UDF and will work in more DVD players! but I would still like to know how to burn them in Nero.

and should I put the files made in DVD Shrink into a VIDEO_TS folder and then burn it?

When U burn a DVDR From scratch U need 2 Folders

AUDIO_TS (which is empty)

VIDEO_TS (in which U put all the files U get from your DVD Shrink or DVD2One or Pinnacle etc)

How U burn em in Nero I have no idea I prefer Recordnowmax in which U burn these two folders>:)
access said:
Hi ipdave
When I use DVD Shrink I don't get an AUDIO_TS or VIDEO_TS folder but when I burn a backup with Img Tool Burn the disk does have both but the AUDIO_TS folder is empty. Would this sound correct? and should I put the files made in DVD Shrink into a VIDEO_TS folder and then burn it?
I have found that if I burn the DVD Shrink files with Nero express then the DVD is ISO 9660, UDF and will work in more DVD players! but I would still like to know how to burn them in Nero.

Yes, the VOB and IFO (and BUP if ya got em) files all go in the VIDEO_TS folder. The AUDIO_TS is empty, but should be kept for maximum player compatibility to stick to the strict DVD standard.

I have used Nero successfully from way back, but the newest and versions support the most DVD burners. is more stable, but I have had no issues as some have had with either.

Again, just do not use Nero's wizard. Cancel it, Turn it off, don't use it. Create a new DVD in the UDF/ISO format (bottom-most selection in DVD) and drag and drop your VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders into Nero and burn. I have used Pioneer A04, 105, and 106 burners with equal success as long as I stay away from cheap self-destructing Mr Phelps Mission Impossible PRINCO blanks. :)
Thanks to all,
I have now got it sorted, in the filesystem flags menu under the settings in Img Tool Burn I had not set it up for ISO 9660 option, now with it selected the backups are more compatible with other players.


