Pixel problems with PGC link movies - HELP!


New member
I am having problems with pixels in the beginning of my movie if it is a PGC link movie. It makes NO difference if I remove/keep any cells or title sets or process the movie untouched, I still have problems with the finished process. I can take the exact same movie and manually edit it with Ifoedit and I have NO problems with pixels. As long as it is NOT a PGC link movie I have no problems with DS.
I am using versions 0.2.0 & 0.3.0 of DS and Ifoedit 095 and DVDdecrypter versions 3.1.7, 3.1.9 & 3.2.0. It makes NO difference which versions I am using, I still have the same problem. My OS is XP Pro, P4 2.4, 1g ram, 220g of HD's. Is anyone else experiencing this problem or maybe have an answer what my problem maybe?


New member
Arianos, it is in both!

What you view with PowerDvd and the player in Ifoedit are the same (pixels). The results if burned to a disk and played in your standalone player(s) are the same (pixels).
Mr_Fixer said:
It makes NO difference if I remove/keep any cells or title sets or process the movie untouched, I still have problems with the finished process.
Ifoedit 0.95 doesn't like angles and this is why even when you remove nothing it still doesn't work :(

did you try version 0.96? as it works better with angles


New member
MackemX said:
Ifoedit 0.95 doesn't like angles and this is why even when you remove nothing it still doesn't work :(

did you try version 0.96? as it works better with angles
MackemX, thanks for the tip on 0.96. I have not tried it yet, but I did find by ticking multi-angle processing in DVD Decrypter it cured my problem I was having.


Mr_Fixer said:
.... I can take the exact same movie and manually edit it with Ifoedit and I have NO problems with pixels.
Mr_Fixer said:
.... but I did find by ticking multi-angle processing in DVD Decrypter it cured my problem I was having.
Could you please elaborate how the above quotes work together (or not)?
In the first case, you did a normal DVDD ripping (not by way of DS)-multi-angle processing NOT ticked?
In the second case you ticked multi-angle processing in DVDD and did the ripping via DS?
I'm asking because I have the same problem, but is apparent ONLY a constipated Philips standalone :)


New member
Arianos said:
Could you please elaborate how the above quotes work together (or not)?
In the first case, you did a normal DVDD ripping (not by way of DS)-multi-angle processing NOT ticked?
In the second case you ticked multi-angle processing in DVDD and did the ripping via DS?
I'm asking because I have the same problem, but is apparent ONLY a constipated Philips standalone :)
Arianos, that is correct in what you are asking. I have found when using DS with multi- angles, if I tick the muti-angle processing in DVDD I do not have a problem with DS processing the movie correctly. If I am not using DS, I un-tick muti-angle processing in DVDD, it works better that way with Ifoedit for normal processing.


OK, I think I see :) though I think MX had already found that shortcoming some time ago.
Maybe you found a way for bypassing the problem, but of course you keep only 1 angle :( which is a LOT better than a coaster :)


New member
Arianos said:
Could you please elaborate how the above quotes work together (or not)?
In the first case, you did a normal DVDD ripping (not by way of DS)-multi-angle processing NOT ticked?
In the second case you ticked multi-angle processing in DVDD and did the ripping via DS?
I'm asking because I have the same problem, but is apparent ONLY a constipated Philips standalone
how do you tick multiangle in DVDD if ripping via DS? Do you open DVDD first, tick the box, then open DS and hit the rip button? im having problems with a multiangle not playing correctly in a standalone (skipping, pausing, etc), while it plays without a problem in the dvd burner via windows media player? any guess why it plays without a glitch?


New member
commissioner said:
how do you tick multiangle in DVDD if ripping via DS? Do you open DVDD first, tick the box, then open DS and hit the rip button? im having problems with a multiangle not playing correctly in a standalone (skipping, pausing, etc), while it plays without a problem in the dvd burner via windows media player? any guess why it plays without a glitch?
Commissioner you got it wright, just tick the box in DVDD before starting the process with DS..... I have found that PowerDVD will playback 99.9 % of all your disk (unless you really screwed it up) flawlessly. I usually check my finished project with the DVD player in Ifoedit. If it will playback without a glitch with Ifoedit's player then you can be about 99% sure it will play in your standalone without a problem. I have saved on a lot of useless coasters this way and wear & tear on my burner by doing RW tests first. Hope this info helps.