Pioneer Problems


New member
Ok heres my probs.
I just got my pioneer 106 and put it in my computer(dell 8200, win. xp, 512, 2.0 Ghz). I did the search for new hardware in the control panel and it told me it installed the new pioneer dvd drive. I was happy.
Then I went to "My Computer" and seen that my regular cd-rw drive was missing. I was like, "What the crap happened to it?" I tried sticking a few cd's in it and it didnt respond at all. I tried the norton anit virus 2004 cd and usually it pops right up because of the autorun feature on it but all i got was a whole bunch of nothing.
Its as if when I attached the pioneer dvd burner inside my comp. the cd-rw drive got uninstalled. I turned off my comp. and went inside my computer to make sure all the wires were still secure and found that they were. When I turned my computer back on it like froze up at the Windows XP screen for like three days, then went black. I didnt know what the heck was wrong until i remembered there was still a cd in the drive. I took it out, turned off the comp, and turned it back on. It didnt freeze at the start up screen this time.
Since I was out of a cd drive for the moment I figured I would make the best of the situation and try to burn a cd. I downloaded the programs that are in the Laz tutorial and installed them. Using the tutorial I put the dvd "Dumb and Dumberer" into the dvd drive and started up the program "Decrypter."
It searched and found my pioneer drive but it wouldnt ever find the dvd i put in. In other words - I Never could go to step 2 in the tutorial. The step where you click edit. "Edit" would never go to bold print where it is a clickable item. I got furious.
Now that I was without a cd drive and with a dvd drive and a few programs what was useless I was close to ripping that pioneer out and slingin' that bad boy against the wall. But I didnt.
I shut the computer down and unhooked the pioneer from inside. I turned the computer on and did a system restore to yesterday. I now have my cd-rw drive back and an unistalled dvd burner at my side. I need some help fellas cause my first attempt at installing this beast left me with only problems.
1. CD-RW drive becomes unistalled when Pioneer DVD burner is installed.
2. When computer is turned on and a cd is in the Pioneer DVD burner the computer freezes.(dont know if this is an actual problem or just something you have to remember not to do.)
3. Program Decrypter freezes up after it finds the pioneer Burner. (cant select edit) And you cant close the program out. It wont go away. Even if you tell the thing to close a million times it will just stay there.

Any - and I mean ANY help will be appreciated.
The New Dvd drive should be master>end of Secondary IDE ribbon.Make sure the jumper is set correctly on the drive.Cdrw should be slave,check the jumper and use the other connector on IDE ribbon.If that doesn't work,post again. ;)


New member

I switched the drives on the ribbon, setting the dvd as secondary and cd as primary. I then started the comp up and shes back and running like a champion. I also tried the decrypter and it is working like a charm also. I havent tried going the whole way through the process, but everything seems to work smoothly. It just goes to show you how one minor mishap can lead to a whole world of trouble. If any other problemos arise ill be sure to post on here but I do believe you cured my drive Woody.