PIONEER DVD-RW DVR 105 /Cendyne Looking for compatiple blank DVD cd to brun on


New member
I try to copy a DVD. I get a message saying that Verbatim was not compatible with the DVD recorder. I also try some I bought from Comp USA. It was CompUSA brand 4.7 120 min video speed 2.4x Verbatim was 4.7gb 120min 1x-4x speed vitesse.
The burner I’m using is By Cendyne mode # DVR-105 part# cdicd00209.
It shows up as a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR 105.
Cendyne is back in business
kavvv said:
I try to copy a DVD. I get a message saying that Verbatim was not compatible with the DVD recorder. I also try some I bought from Comp USA. It was CompUSA brand 4.7 120 min video speed 2.4x Verbatim was 4.7gb 120min 1x-4x speed vitesse.
The burner I’m using is By Cendyne mode # DVR-105 part# cdicd00209.
It shows up as a PIONEER DVD-RW DVR 105.
Cendyne is back in business
i don't know about being back in business, as the 105 is a fairly old drive. it's probably just a leftover.

as far as ur problems go, it looks to me like u're trying to use dvd+r, while the 105 is a dvd-r/rw drive.
Cendyne never manufacture their own products. They just re-bagged other manufactures products. Most Cendyne DVD-R recorders were re-bagged Pioneers. Just a note- Cendyne IS in fact out of business.

My Cendyne (Pioneer DVR-105) performs great using the modified firmware and Ritek G03 DVR-R media.

FirmWare for Pioneer DVR-105


If you are looking for additional information concerning firmware visit The FirmWare Page located at

Hope this information proves to be helpful.

AZImmortal is right. You are trying to use the wrong format blanks. I have a Cendyne rebadged Pioneer and it works great with every blank I have thrown at it (though I mostly use Ritek G04 and TDK 2X).