pioneer a05 ----sony dvd player problem

i want to get a pioneer a05 drive, i read that the dvd-r's dont work on any sony dvd player is this true.and does any1 know would a copyied dvd-r play on a playstation 2 without a chip.
Go to to check the dvd players list. Sony's will play dvd-r.You will need a model number of course.;)

Not sure if you can play a dvd-r movie?on the PS2.Don't want to guess.:confused:
It really makes no difference what the burner that was used if a DVDR will play or not in a Sony. All Sony's are different, but Authoring/Encoding program, speed of burn, brand of media, software to burn, etc, etc all influance the playability of DVDR's.

DVD-R's can play on an un-modified PS2.
Keep in mind that the dvd player list at Dvdrhelp is compiled by owners.It can only be used as a guideline. I did buy a Pioneer Dv333 based on user reviews there,I'm very happy with it.;)

Chickenman's comments are the most important.Dvd media,software,and other variables come into play.The same dvd-r or dvd+r copy might work in some players,and not others.

Anyone interested in buying a standalone should bring a working dvd movie copy that they created to try in an unit at the store(if possible).Cdr's can also be tested with home copied (S)vcd's for playability.
